Julius I, Saint

Julius I, Saint,

pope (337–52), a Roman; successor of St. Marcus. In the controversy over ArianismArianism
, Christian heresy founded by Arius in the 4th cent. It was one of the most widespread and divisive heresies in the history of Christianity. As a priest in Alexandria, Arius taught (c.
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, when both sides appealed to him for support, he convened a synod at Rome (340), at which were present St. AthanasiusAthanasius, Saint
, c.297–373, patriarch of Alexandria (328–73), Doctor of the Church, great champion of orthodoxy during the Arian crisis of the 4th cent. (see Arianism).
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, Marcellus of Ancyra, and many other Catholic exiles from the East. The Arians of the East seem to have refused his invitation. The principal result of the entire incident was a letter from the pope to the Arians, questioning their sincerity in the matter of the council, acquitting Athanasius of every charge, and chiding the Arians for not appealing to the pope at the beginning, since, he said, he had the principal see and the appellate jurisdiction over the whole church. As an early example of the papal claims the letter is remarkable. He was succeeded by Liberius. Feast: Apr. 12.