iris bombé

i·ris bom·bé

a condition occurring in posterior annular synechia, in which an increase of fluid in the posterior chamber causes a forward bulging of the peripheral iris.

iris bombé

A condition seen in annular posterior synechia. The iris balloons forward from the posterior pressure, blocking the aqueous outflow through the anterior chamber angle.

It can be caused by adhesions at the pupillary border and the anterior lens capsule, resulting in aqueous misdirection and significantly elevated intraocular pressure. Treatment is peripheral iridectomy.

See also: iris


A condition occurring in posterior annular synechia in which an increase of aqueous humour contained in the posterior chamber causes a forward bulging of the iris. It may provoke an attack of angle-closure glaucoma as the iris may block the drainage angle (Fig. I17).enlarge picture" >Fig. I17 Iris bombé and posterior synechiaenlarge pictureFig. I17 Iris bombé and posterior synechia