Irigoyen Hipólito
Irigoyen Hipólito
Born July 13, 1852, in Buenos Aires; died there July 3, 1933. Argentine politician and statesman. Lawyer by profession.
Irigoyen helped found the Unión Cívica Radical in 1891 and became its leader in 1893. He was president of Argentina during the years 1916–22 and 1928–30. Irigoyen called for class harmony, a rejuvenation of national politics, and an improvement in the living conditions of the masses. Although he did make some concessions to the workers and took steps to reduce the power of the landlords, the church, and the clergy, Irigoyen did not refrain from repressions against the working class. For instance, he suppressed manifestations of the workers of Buenos Aires in 1919 and of agricultural workers and farmhands in Patagonia in 1921. He pursued an independent foreign policy. Irigoyen was overthrown in 1930 by a military coup staged by reactionary forces. His funeral turned into an antigovernment demonstration.