释义 |
iridocyclectomy iridocyclectomy [ir″ĭ-do-si-klek´to-me] excision of part of the iris and of the ciliary body.ir·i·do·cy·clec·to·my (ir'i-dō-sī-klek'tŏ-mē), Removal of the iris and ciliary body for excision of a tumor. [irido- + G. kyklos, circle (ciliary body), + ektomē, excision] iridocyclectomy (ĭr′ĭ-dō-sī-klĕk′tə-mē, -sĭ-klĕk′-, ī′rĭ-)n. Removal of the iris and the ciliary body.ir·i·do·cy·clec·to·my (ir'i-dō-sī-klek'tŏ-mē) Removal of the iris and ciliary body for excision of a tumor. [irido- + G. kyklos, circle (ciliary body), + ektomē, excision] |