

单词 in the course of

in the course of



(koːs) noun1. a series (of lectures, medicines etc). I'm taking a course (of lectures) in sociology; He's having a course of treatment for his leg. 課程,療程 课程,疗程 2. a division or part of a meal. Now we've had the soup, what's (for) the next course? 一道菜 一道菜3. the ground over which a race is run or a game (especially golf) is played. a racecourse; a golf-course. 跑道,(高爾夫)球場 跑道,比赛场 4. the path or direction in which something moves. the course of the Nile. 行進路線或方向 行进方向5. the progress or development of events. Things will run their normal course despite the strike. 事件的進展或發展 进程6. a way (of action). What's the best course of action in the circumstances? (行動)方式 行动方法in the course of during. In the course of our talk, he told me about the accident. 在...的過程中 在...的过程中in due course at the appropriate or normal time. In due course, this seed will grow into a tree. 適時地,屆時 及时地,在适当的时候 of course naturally or obviously. Of course, he didn't tell me any secrets; Of course I can swim. 當然 当然off/on course (not) heading in the right direction. to drift off course; We're back on course. (無偏離)保持正確方向 在(不在)规定的轨道上

in the course of

in the course of

In or during the process of. In the course of your employment in the company, were you ever aware or suspicious of any illicit financial activity going on? I learned in the course of the meeting that our department was being downsized by over 50 percent.See also: course, of

in the course of

Also, during the course of. In the process or progress of, as in the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence (1776), "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ..." These phrases have been criticized as needlessly wordy ( in or during alone are adequate), but they have an emphatic rhythm that keeps them alive. [Mid-1600s] See also: course, of

in/over the course of...

(used with expressions for periods of time) during: He’s seen many changes in the course of his long life.The company faces some major challenges over the course of the next few years.See also: course, over




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