

单词 ixodidae


Noun1.Ixodidae - hard ticksfamily Ixodidaearthropod family - any of the arthropodsAcarina, order Acarina - mites and tickshard tick, ixodid - ticks having a hard shield on the back and mouth parts that project from the headgenus Ixodes, Ixodes - type genus of the family IxodidaeDermacentor, genus Dermacentor - vectors of important diseases of man and animals




a family of arthropods of the Acarina order. The structure and functions of the basic vital systems combine ancient primitive features with the best adaptation for parasitism among ticks. The body (1–10 mm long) is divided into the proboscis (or capitulum), bearing the oral parts, and a trunk (or idiosome), with four pairs of legs. The integuments have lost all traces of segmentation. The digestive and sexual systems are highly developed; the size of the trunk increases greatly when the tick sucks blood.

There are approximately 1,000 species of Ixodidae, distributed over all the continents except Antarctica; they are most diverse and numerous in tropical and subtropical latitudes. About 100 species are found in the USSR, from the islands of the northern seas, where they inhabit bird colonies, to the country’s southern borders, including the deserts and high mountains of Middle Asia. They are parasitic on vertebrates, both wild (reptiles, birds, and mammals) and domestic, feeding solely on blood. Many species also attack humans who enter their natural habitat. The development cycle includes the egg and three active stages (larva, nymph, and adult), each of which feeds once every three to ten days. Within a certain time after feeding, the female lays her eggs, numbering several tens of thousands for some species.

The Ixodidae transmit pathogenic organisms to humans and are the vectors of such diseases as encephalitides (the main carriers are Ixodes persulcatus and I. ricinus), tick typhus, hemorrhagic fever, Q fever, and tularemia; they also transmit disease organisms to farm animals. Protective measures include wearing suitable clothing and netting soaked in a tick repellent.


Pomerantsev, B.I. Iksodovye kleshchi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950. (Fauna SSSR: Paukoobraznye, vol. 4, issue 2.)
Pavlovskii, E.N. Prirodnaia ochagovost’ transmissivnykh boleznei…. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.
Balashov, Iu. S. Krovososushchie kleshchi—perenoschiki boleznei cheloveka i zhivotnykh. Leningrad, 1967.




 [iks-od´ĭ-de] a family of ticks (superfamily Ixodoidea); the hard ticks.


(ik-sod'i-dē), A family of ticks (order Acarina, suborder Ixodidea), the so-called hard ticks, characterized by rigid body form, presence of a dorsal shield, and an anteriorly projecting capitulum. It includes the genera Ixodes, Hyalomma, Amblyomma, Boophilus, Margaropus, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, and Rhipicephalus, species of which transmit many important human and animal diseases and cause tick paralysis; they occasionally attack humans, a few habitually so. [G. ixōdēs, sticky]


(ik-sod'i-dē) A family of ticks, the so-called hard ticks, genera of which transmit many important human and animal diseases and cause tick paralysis. [G. ixōdēs, sticky]


A family of ticks, some of which are capable of taking considerable quantities of blood and causing bite infections. Other can transmit diseases such as the allergic tick-bite fever, tick paralysis, tick-borne typhus, Q FEVER and TULARAEMIA.

Patient discussion about Ixodidae

Q. How do people get ticks? A. when i stayed in the Peruvian jungle for 3 weeks - ticks were the most common parisite we encountered. we finished every day with a set of pincers and a flashlight :) they just stand on the plants waiting for something to pass near. be that a man, a monkey or an ant eater. they don't care, as long as they have blood. the same in cities, they just wait in strategic points until you'll pass along and they'll just jump on you. be sure to use pincers to plunk them, catch their sucking tube and plunk. if not they might leave it in your body and it'll get infected.

Q. I had a tick to bite me a few days ago now I have a headache on and off and feel nauseous and diarrhea My friend had a stomach virus last week is my symptoms coming from the tick or is it a coincidenceA. It sounds like the tick bite is just a coincidence. You probably caught a virus, not necessarily from your friend who was sick, but that's also a possibility. However, if the bad feeling doesn't go away, or your suddenly experience fever spikes, you should see a doctor, because you might have a bacterial infection that will need antibiotics.

More discussions about Ixodidae


Related to Ixodidae: Argasidae, family Ixodidae
  • noun

Synonyms for Ixodidae

noun hard ticks


  • family Ixodidae

Related Words

  • arthropod family
  • Acarina
  • order Acarina
  • hard tick
  • ixodid
  • genus Ixodes
  • Ixodes
  • Dermacentor
  • genus Dermacentor




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