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iridencleisis Translationsiridencleisis
iridencleisis [ir″ĭ-den-kli´sis] surgical incarceration of a slip of the iris within a corneal or limbal incision to act as a wick for aqueous drainage in glaucoma.ir·i·den·clei·sis (ir'i-den-klī'sis), The incarceration of a portion of the iris by corneoscleral incision in glaucoma to effect filtration between the anterior chamber and subconjunctival space. [irido- + G. enkleiō, to shut in] ir·i·den·clei·sis (ir'i-den-klī'sis) The incarceration of a portion of the iris by corneoscleral incision in glaucoma to effect filtration between the anterior chamber and subconjunctival space. [irido- + G. enkleiō, to shut in] |