

 [in-tes´tin] the part of the alimentary canal" >alimentary canal extending from the pyloric opening of the stomach to the anus. It is a membranous tube, comprising the small intestine and large intestine; called also bowel and gut. See also intestinal tract, and see color plates.


, pl.


(in'tes-tī'nŭm, -nă), Avoid the mispronunciation intes'tinum.1. Synonym(s): intestine2. Inward; inner. [L. intestinus, internal, ntr. as noun, the entrails, fr. intus, within]


(in-tes'tin) [TA] 1. The digestive tube passing from the stomach to the anus. It is divided primarily into the intestinum tenue (small intestine) and the intestinum crassum (large intestine). 2. Inward; inner.
Synonym(s): intestinum [TA] , bowel, gut (1) .
[L. intestinum ]