ASPOAssociation for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (Uppsala, Sweden)
ASPOAssociation for the Study of Peak Oil&Gas
ASPOAlpha Sigma Phi Omega (international service fraternity; est. 1960)
ASPOAmerican Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
ASPOApollo Spacecraft Program Office (US NASA)
ASPOAmerican Society of Preventive Oncology
ASPOArmy Special Programs Office (US Army)
ASPOArmy Space Program Office
ASPOAssociatie Sociaal Psychologische Onderzoekers (Netherlands)
ASPOAlgemeen Schade Preventie Overleg
ASPOAmplitude Spectra and POlarities (method)
ASPOArmas y Soria, Proyectos y Obras (Spain)
ASPOAgreement State Project Officers
ASPOAcquisition System Protection Office/Officer
ASPOAutomated Systems Program Office
ASPOAerospace Program Office
ASPOAcquisition Sponsor Project Officer
ASPOAvionics Systems Project Officer
ASPOAssociation Sportive de Paris Orleans (French sports club)
ASPOAmerican Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetricsis (now called Lamaze International)