the remains of a feudal, rural settlement of Khwarazm, located 30 km northeast of the city of Biruni in the Kara-Kalpak ASSR. Kavat-Kala existed in the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th. It was probably destroyed as a result of a Mongol invasion. The settlement consisted of the prince’s residence, four castles of his vassals, and more than 90 peasant farmsteads. A peasant farmstead was unearthed during excavations in 1937, 1940, and 1956, as well as a columned hall decorated with woodcarving in the ruler’s castle.
Tolstov, S. P. Drevnii Khorezm. Moscow, 1948.Vakturskaia, N. N., and O. A. Vishnevskaia. “Pamiatniki Khorezma epokhi velikikh khorezmshakhov (XII–nachalo XIII v.).” In the collection Materialy khorezmskoi ekspeditsii, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1959.