IWTIndependent World Television
IWTI Was There
IWTIllegal Wildlife Trade (crime)
IWTInternational Welding Technologist (certification)
IWTIndustrial Wind Turbine
IWTInverse Wavelet Transform
IWTIncumbent Worker Training
IWTInland Water Transport
IWTIndus Water Treaty (India and Pakistan)
IWTInland Waterway Transport
IWTInstitute for Women and Technology
IWTInstitute for Writing and Thinking (Bard College; New York)
IWTInterest Withholding Tax
IWTI Would Think
IWTImpact World Tour
IWTInstituut voor Wegtransport (Belgium)
IWTInternational Workshop on Telematics
IWTInternational Warehousing and Transport
IWTInterstate Waste Technologies, Inc.
IWTIntegrated Weapons Team
IWTIntercompany Work Transfer
IWTInterdepartmental Work Team