Jerash Festival of Culture and Art

Jerash Festival of Culture and Art

Late July to early AugustJordan's Queen Noor (Lisa Najeb Halaby, b. 1951) played an important role in establishing the visual and performing arts festival that is now held in Jerash every summer. Since 1981 visitors have come to the 2,000-year-old ruins where a Greco-Roman city once stood to hear Jordanian music, to see folkloric dances performed by Jordanian and other Arab groups, and to watch Arab plays and puppet shows. Queen Noor opens the nine-day festival by lighting a symbolic flame in the city forum.
In addition to the music, dance, and theater events, the Jerash Festival also includes an Arab book fair, with titles in both Arabic and English, sponsored by the Jordan Department of Libraries, Documentation, and National Archives.
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
3504 International Dr. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
202-966-2664; fax: 202-966-3110
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 125