IRESInformation and Real Estate Services
IRESInternal Ribosomal Entry Site (biochemistry)
IRESInstitute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
IRESIBM Retail Environment for SUSE
IRESInstitut de Reinserció Social
IRESInsurance Regulatory Examiners Society
IRESInstitut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales (French)
IRESIntuit Real Estate Solutions
IRESInternational Real Estate Society
IRESInstitut de Recherches Subatomiques (French)
IRESInstitute for Research on Environment and Sustainability
IRESInternational Real Estate Services
IRESInstitute of Real Estate Studies
IRESInternational Relations and European Studies
IRESImposte sul Reddito delle Società (Italian: Taxes on the Companies Income)
IRESInternational Research Experience for Students
IRESInternational Review for Environmental Strategies
IRESInstituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (Italian)
IRESIndependent Resource Estimations (South Africa)
IRESInternational Renewable Energy Storage (Conference)
IRESInter Regional Executive Search
IRESInternet Reservation Systems
IRESInfra Red Earth Sensor (space/satellite technology)
IRESInternational Research and Educational Society
IRESIntegrated Request Entry System
IRESInfra-Red Experimental Source
IRESInitiative für Regenerative Energien in Sachsen eV (German)
IRESIcelandic Resources in Earth Science
IRESInternational Radiation Education Symposium
IRESIsotope Release Simulator
IRESInternational Research Experience in the Sciences