Jonas Marcinkevicius
Marcinkevičius, Jonas
Born Dec. 13 (26), 1900, in Radviliskis; died July 31, 1953, in Vilnius. Lithuanian Soviet writer.
Marcinkevičius was first published in 1925. He was the author of the realistic novels Benjaminas Kordu#x0161;as (1937), He Must Die (1937), and The Nemunas Has Overflowed (1939). He also wrote short stories (the collection Silver Bells, 1938) and sketches.
During the Great Patriotic War (1941-45), Marcinkevi£ius served in the Soviet Army. During that period he published the collections of short stories and sketches / Will Avenge (1942) and Star (1943) and the novella The Father Superior Morkunas (1943). In the postwar years, he wrote plays (The Kavoliunas Family, 1947, and Homecoming, 1947) and the novella Audrone Normantaite (1950). His works of the Soviet period reflect the struggle of the Lithuanian people against fascism during the war years, the postwar kolkhoz movement in the Lithuanian countryside, and the growth of the Soviet Lithuanian intelligentsia.
Raštai, vols. 1-3. Vilnius, 1955.In Russian translation:
Ben’iaminas Kordushas. Vilnius, 1961.
Ocherk istorii litovskoi sovetskoi literatury. Moscow, 1955.Lietuvių, literataros istorija, vol. 3, part 2; vol. 4. Vilnius, 1965-68.