

单词 intervention



I5220450 (ĭn′tə-r-vĕn′shən)n.1. The act or process of intervening: a nation's military interventions in neighboring countries; a politician opposed to government intervention in the market economy.2. a. The systematic process of assessment and planning employed to remediate or prevent a social, educational, or developmental problem: early intervention for at-risk toddlers.b. An act that alters the course of a disease, injury, or condition by initiating a treatment or performing a procedure or surgery.c. A planned, often unannounced meeting with a person with a serious personal problem, such as addiction, in order to persuade the person to seek treatment.


(ˌɪntəˈvɛnʃən) n1. the act of intervening2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any interference in the affairs of others, esp by one state in the affairs of another3. (Economics) economics the action of a central bank in supporting the international value of a currency by buying large quantities of the currency to keep the price up4. (Commerce) commerce the action of the EU in buying up surplus produce when the market price drops to a certain value ˌinterˈventional adj


(ˌɪn tərˈvɛn ʃən)

n. 1. the act or fact of intervening. 2. interposition or interference of one state in the affairs of another. [1375–1425; late Middle English < Late Latin interventiō mediation. See intervene, -tion] in`ter•ven′tion•al, in`ter•ven′tion•ar′y, adj.


Action taken to divert a unit or force from its track, flight path, or mission.
Noun1.intervention - the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.); "it occurs without human intervention"intercessioninvolvement, participation, involution, engagement - the act of sharing in the activities of a group; "the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities"intermediation, mediation - the act of intervening for the purpose of bringing about a settlement
2.intervention - a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countriesinterferenceforeign policy - a policy governing international relationsnoninterference, nonintervention - a foreign policy of staying out of other countries' disputes
3.intervention - the act or fact of interposing one thing between or among othersinterpositionlocating, positioning, emplacement, location, placement, position - the act of putting something in a certain place
4.intervention - (law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress; admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedings; "the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits"legal proceeding, proceeding, proceedings - (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invokedlaw, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
5.intervention - care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)intervention - care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)treatmentcare, tending, attention, aid - the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention"medical aid, medical care - professional treatment for illness or injurymassage - kneading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote relaxationmodality - a method of therapy that involves physical or electrical therapeutic treatmentdetoxification - a treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol intended to remove the physiological effects of the addictive substanceschiropractic - a method of treatment that manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressurefomentation - application of warm wet coverings to a part of the body to relieve pain and inflammationnaturopathy - a method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing processnaprapathy - a drugless method of treatment based on the belief that disease symptoms arise from problems with ligaments and connective tissuesorthodontic treatment - dental treatment that corrects irregularities of the teeth or of the relation of the teeth to surrounding anatomy; treatment is usually by braces or mechanical aids; "orthodontic treatment of facial abnormalities"orthoptics - treatment of defects of binocular vision (such as strabismus and amblyopia) by nonsurgical measures (especially by exercises to strengthen the eye muscles)osteopathy - therapy based on the assumption that restoring health is best accomplished by manipulating the skeleton and musclesosteoclasis - treatment of a skeletal deformity by intentionally fracturing a boneacupuncture, stylostixis - treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skinacupressure, G-Jo, shiatsu - treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the bodyautogenic therapy, autogenic training, autogenics - training patients in self-induced relaxationhydropathy, hydrotherapy - the internal and external use of water in the treatment of diseaserest-cure - rest as a medical treatment for stress or anxiety etc.curative, cure, therapeutic, remedy - a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain


noun mediation, involvement, interference, intrusion, arbitration, conciliation, intercession, interposition, agency the country's intervention in the internal affairs of others


nounThe act or an instance of interfering or intruding:interference, intrusion, meddling, obtrusion.


(intəˈviːn) verb1. to interfere in a quarrel. He intervened in the dispute. 干預 干预2. to be or come between, in place or time. A week intervened before our next meeting. 介入 介入,介于…之间 ˌinterˈvention (-ˈvenʃən) noun (an) act of intervening (in a quarrel etc). 干預,介入 干预,介入



1. Politics any interference in the affairs of others, esp by one state in the affairs of another 2. Economics the action of a central bank in supporting the international value of a currency by buying large quantities of the currency to keep the price up 3. Commerce the action of the EU in buying up surplus produce when the market price drops to a certain value



in international law, the interference of one state in the internal affairs of another or in its relations with other states. Modern international law prohibits intervention and regards it as an offense against international law. In accordance with the principle of nonintervention, no state or group of states has the right to intervene directly or indirectly on any grounds whatsoever in the affairs of another state, and for this reason armed intervention and all other forms of intervention or threats of intervention directed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state are considered violations of international law.

Intervention is outlawed by a number of international treaties and agreements, including the UN Charter, according to whose Article 2, Paragraph 4, all states are obligated to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state and from acting in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. The threat or the use of force should not serve as a means of settling international problems. All international disputes should be settled by peaceful means only (art. 2, para. 3, of the UN Charter). A state may resort to the use of force, including armed force, only in two cases, strictly defined by the UN Charter: in carrying out forceful measures decided upon by the United Nations (arts. 39, 41, 42), or in legitimate self-defense against an armed attack (art. 51).

A distinction must be made between intervention and simple influence (intercession). Intervention is always aimed at deciding the domestic or foreign affairs of another state in the interests of the state engaging in intervention. Simple influence in such forms as friendly advice or the offering of “good offices” is usually dictated by the interests of preserving or restoring international peace and security.

Despite the categorical prohibition of intervention in modern international law, the imperialist powers and above all the United States have continually intervened in the international affairs of other countries and peoples. These actions have included both open armed intervention—for example, the United States in Indochina—and secret and disguised intervention—the imposition of an alien political, economic, social, or other system; the organization of conspiracies, coups d’etat, and civil wars to achieve such aims; the dispatching of spies, terrorists, and saboteurs; financing, the supplying of armaments, and other forms of assistance to subversive groups; dumping; making loans with strings attached; exerting diplomatic pressure; and the use of radio, television, and the press to conduct hostile propaganda. The most dangerous form of intervention is armed intervention.

Since intervention by imperialist powers in various forms had become very widespread, the UN General Assembly at its 20th session in 1965 adopted the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty. In this declaration all forms of intervention directed against the status of a state as a legal person or against its political, economic, or cultural integrity were condemned.

The USSR and the other socialist states, which consistently uphold a policy of peace and peaceful coexistence, have repeatedly opposed acts of intervention carried out by the imperialist states. The question of enforcing the 1965 declaration has frequently been raised on the initiative of the USSR in the United Nations.


Baginian, K. A. Narushenie imperialisticheskimi gosudarstvami printsipa nevmeshatel’stva. Moscow, 1954.
Ushakov, N. A. Suverenitet v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave. Moscow, 1963.
Sharmanazashvili, G. Ot prava voiny k pravu mira. Moscow, 1967.
Kurs mezhdunarodnogo prava, vol. 2. Moscow, 1967. (Chief editor, F. I. Kozhevnikov.)

V. I. MENZHINSKII [10–942-t]



 [in″ter-ven´shun] interposition or interference in the affairs of another to accomplish a goal or end; see also implementation.crisis intervention 1. counseling or psychotherapy for patients in a life crisis that is directed at supporting the patient through the crisis and helping the patient cope with the stressful event that precipitated it.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as use of short-term counseling to help the patient cope with a crisis and resume a state of functioning comparable to or better than the pre-crisis state.nursing intervention an action for which nurses are responsible that is intended to benefit a patient or client.percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) the management of coronary artery occlusion by any of various catheter-based techniques, such as angioplasty" >percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, atherectomy, angioplasty using the excimer laser, and implantation of coronary stents and related devices.intervention (omaha) in the omaha system, an action or activity undertaken to address a specific client problem and to improve, maintain, or restore health or to prevent illness. See also intervention scheme.


(in'tĕr-ven'shŭn), An action or ministration that produces an effect or is intended to alter the course of a pathologic process. [L. inter-ventio, a coming between, fr inter-venio, to come between]


(ĭn′tə-r-vĕn′shən)n.1. The act or process of intervening: a nation's military interventions in neighboring countries; a politician opposed to government intervention in the market economy.2. a. The systematic process of assessment and planning employed to remediate or prevent a social, educational, or developmental problem: early intervention for at-risk toddlers.b. An act that alters the course of a disease, injury, or condition by initiating a treatment or performing a procedure or surgery.c. A planned, often unannounced meeting with a person with a serious personal problem, such as addiction, in order to persuade the person to seek treatment.


Anything meant to change the course of events for a person: surgery, a drug, a test, a treatment, counseling, providing informational pamphlets.
An application of therapeutic/educational techniques to modify a person’s performance in a designated area of communication—e.g., expressive language, attention, etc.
Public health
An act or procedure capable of reducing injury or improving health.
An operation.
Vox populi
Intercession in the acts of others to prevent an adverse outcome.


Public health A device or procedure capable of ↓ injuries. See Administrative intervention, Behavioral intervention, Crisis intervention, Health intervention Surgery An operation. See Routine intervention, Motivational intervention, Percutaneous intervention, Pharmacist intervention, Remedial intervention.


(in'tĕr-ven'shŭn) 1. An action or ministration that produces an effect or that is intended to alter the course of a pathologic process. 2. biowarfare Any action, ministration, or device intended to prevent or alter the course of deliberate release of a mass-casualty agent.
Synonym(s): countermeasure.
3. Synonym(s): implementation. See also: absorption[L. inter-ventio, a coming between, fr inter-venio, to come between]



A procedure used in a lawsuit by which the court allows a third person who was not originally a party to the suit to become a party, by joining with either the plaintiff or the defendant.

The federal rules of Civil Procedure recognizes two types of intervention: intervention of right and permissive intervention.

Intervention of right arises when the intervenor, the person who seeks to become a party to an existing lawsuit, can satisfactorily show that his or her interest is not adequately represented by the present parties, that the interest relates to the subject of the action, and that the disposition of the action might in some way impair his or her ability to protect such interest.

Permissive intervention is up to the discretion of the court. It arises when the intervenor's claim or defense and the instant suit have a Question of Law or fact in common.

In deciding whether or not to permit intervention, the court ordinarily balances the needs and interest of the intervenor against the potential hardship on the existing parties if such intervention is allowed. The court will determine whether the intervenor and the parties to the suit share common issues. If the intervenor attempts to inject new causes of actions into the pending suit, his or her request will be denied, since to permit intervention would increase the potential for prejudice and delay in the original action. An intervenor need not argue that he or she will be prejudiced by the judgment if not joined, provided the intervenor is able to show that his or her interest will be impaired by the action if he or she is not involved.


n. the procedure under which a third party may join an on-going law-suit, providing the facts and the law issues apply to the intervenor as much as to one of the existing contestants. The determination to allow intervention is made by a judge after a petition to intervene and a hearing on the issue. Intervention must take place fairly early in the lawsuit, shortly after a complaint and answer have been filed, and not just before trial since that could prejudice one or both parties who have prepared for trial on the basis of the original litigants. Intervention is not to be confused with joinder which involves requiring all parties who have similar claims to join in the same lawsuit to prevent needless repetitious trials based on the same facts and legal questions, called multiplicity of actions. (See: intervene, joinder)

INTERVENTION, civil law. The act by which a third party becomes a party in a suit pending between other persons.
2. The intervention is made either to be joined to the plaintiff, and to claim the same thing he does, or some other thing connected with it or, to join the defendant, and with him to oppose the claim of the plaintiff, which it is his interest to defeat. Poth. Proced. Civ. lere part. ch. 2, s. 6, Sec. 3. In the English ecclesiastical courts, the same term is used in the same sense.
3. When a third person, not originally a party to the suit or proceeding, but claiming an interest in the subject-matter in dispute, may, in order the better to protect such interest, interpose his claim, which proceeding is termed intervention. 2 Chit. Pr. 492; 3 Chit. Com. Law, 633; 2 Hagg. Cons. R. 137; 3 Phillim. R. 586; 1 Addams, R. 5; Ought. tit. 14; 4 Hagg. Eccl. R. 67 Dual. Ad. Pr. 74. The intervener may come in at any stage of the cause, and even after judgment, if an appeal can be allowed on such judgment. 2 Hagg. Cons. R. 137: 1 Eng. feel. R. 480; 2 E.g. Eccl. R. 13.



  • noun

Synonyms for intervention

noun mediation


  • mediation
  • involvement
  • interference
  • intrusion
  • arbitration
  • conciliation
  • intercession
  • interposition
  • agency

Synonyms for intervention

noun the act or an instance of interfering or intruding


  • interference
  • intrusion
  • meddling
  • obtrusion

Synonyms for intervention

noun the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.)


  • intercession

Related Words

  • involvement
  • participation
  • involution
  • engagement
  • intermediation
  • mediation

noun a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries


  • interference

Related Words

  • foreign policy


  • noninterference
  • nonintervention

noun the act or fact of interposing one thing between or among others


  • interposition

Related Words

  • locating
  • positioning
  • emplacement
  • location
  • placement
  • position

noun (law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress

Related Words

  • legal proceeding
  • proceeding
  • proceedings
  • law
  • jurisprudence

noun care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)


  • treatment

Related Words

  • care
  • tending
  • attention
  • aid
  • medical aid
  • medical care
  • massage
  • modality
  • detoxification
  • chiropractic
  • fomentation
  • naturopathy
  • naprapathy
  • orthodontic treatment
  • orthoptics
  • osteopathy
  • osteoclasis
  • acupuncture
  • stylostixis
  • acupressure
  • G-Jo
  • shiatsu
  • autogenic therapy
  • autogenic training
  • autogenics
  • hydropathy
  • hydrotherapy
  • rest-cure
  • curative
  • cure
  • therapeutic
  • remedy




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