Acronym | Definition |
IST➣Information Sciences and Technology |
IST➣Information Society Technologies (EU) |
IST➣Indian Standard Time (GMT+0530) |
IST➣Information Systems Technology |
IST➣International Software (Swedish computer technology Corporation) |
IST➣Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal: Institute for Higher Technology) |
IST➣Information Scientifique et Technique (French: Scientific and Technical Information) |
IST➣Institutional Strengthening and Training (World Bank) |
IST➣Immunosuppressive Therapy |
IST➣Information and Software Technology |
IST➣Iliff School of Theology (Denver, CO) |
IST➣Information Security Team (various organizations) |
IST➣Information Security Technology (various locations) |
IST➣Iraqi State Television |
IST➣I'm So Tired (Beatles song) |
IST➣In-Service Training |
IST➣Imperial Service Troops (UK and India) |
IST➣Individual Sewage Treatment (various locations) |
IST➣Industrial Storage Tanks (Belgium) |
IST➣Interventricular Septum Thickness (cardiology) |
IST➣Implementation Support Team (various organizations) |
IST➣Integrated Security Technologies (various locations) |
IST➣Information Society Technologies |
IST➣Integer Store |
IST➣Immediate Service Termination |
IST➣Interrupt Stack Table |
IST➣Integrated Search Technologies |
IST➣Interrupt Service Thread |
IST➣Initial System Test |
IST➣Inherently Safer Technology (various organizations) |
IST➣Industry Standard Technology (Sarasota, FL) |
IST➣Fraunhofer Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik (Germany) |
IST➣Information Services & Technologies (various organizations) |
IST➣Institut Universitaire Romand de Santé au Travail (French: Institute of Occupational Health Sciences; Switzerland) |
IST➣Imaging Science Team (US NASA) |
IST➣Instructional Support Team |
IST➣International Socialist Tendency |
IST➣Institute for Simulation and Training |
IST➣International Service Team (scouting) |
IST➣Instructional Systems Technology (educational program) |
IST➣Insulin Stress Test (endocrinology) |
IST➣Idiopathic Spasmodic Torticollis (neurological movement disorder) |
IST➣International Study Team (various organizations) |
IST➣Incident Support Team |
IST➣Individual Study Time (various schools) |
IST➣Imperial Software Technology (London) |
IST➣Installation Support Team (US DoD) |
IST➣Individual Status (GPIB Query) |
IST➣International Symposium on Telecommunications |
IST➣International Software Team |
IST➣Infection Sexuellement Transmissibles (French: Sexually Transmitted Infection) |
IST➣Integrated Satellite Terminal |
IST➣International School of Tanganyika (Tanzania) |
IST➣In Situ Treatment |
IST➣Interconnect Stress Test |
IST➣Innovative Steam Technologies |
IST➣Integrated System Test |
IST➣Integrated Supply and Trading (BP) |
IST➣Imaging Systems and Techniques (IEEE conference) |
IST➣Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia |
IST➣Institute of Spring Technology (UK) |
IST➣Investigator Sponsored Trial (pharmaceuticals) |
IST➣Irish Standard Time (time zone; Ireland) |
IST➣Istanbul, Turkey - Ataturk (Airport Code) |
IST➣International Semiconductor Technology (Taiwan) |
IST➣Internal Spanning Tree (Cisco) |
IST➣Ice Surface Temperature |
IST➣Intelligent Scanning Technology |
IST➣Ion Signature Technology (Rhode, Island) |
IST➣Staðlaráð Íslands (Icelandic Standards) |
IST➣International Supply Teachers |
IST➣Integrated Solution Team |
IST➣International Spartacist Tendency (former name of the International Communist League) |
IST➣Inter-Switch Trunk |
IST➣Innovative Surveillance Technology |
IST➣Industrial Software Technology |
IST➣ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) Synchronization Tool (US DoD) |
IST➣Interactive Speech Technology |
IST➣Instrument Support Terminal |
IST➣Intermediate Staging Team (Canada) |
IST➣International School of Tucson (Tucson, Arizona) |
IST➣Israeli Standard Time |
IST➣Infantry Squad Trainer |
IST➣Instrument Support Toolkit |
IST➣Innovative Science & Technology |
IST➣Idle Shutdown Timer |
IST➣Integrated Systems Training |
IST➣International Switched Transit |
IST➣Integrated Services Trunk |
IST➣Inter-Stellar Trader (gaming) |
IST➣Incremental System Test |
IST➣Integrated Secure Telephone |
IST➣Inverted Serrurier Truss |
IST➣Interactive Service Technologies, Inc. |
IST➣International Superhero Teams |
IST➣Institutional Support Team |
IST➣Initial Support Team |
IST➣Interrupt Service Time (Linux) |
IST➣Inter-System Test (AT&T) |
IST➣Interim Sustainment Trainer |
IST➣Information Switching Technology (e-payment) |
IST➣Initial Service Test |
IST➣International Shared Tenant (Sprint) |
IST➣Integral System Check |
IST➣Interstore Transfer (retail) |
IST➣Insect Sting Reaction |
IST➣Integrated Sciences Technology |