Jenny Jump State Forest

Jenny Jump State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Jersey
Location:Near the town of Hope. To reach Hope, take Exit 12 off Route 80.
Facilities:22 tent and trailer campsites, showers and toilets, 8 shelters, 2 groupcamps with pit toilets, picnic area, boat launches, trails, observatory.
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), canoeing, fishing, hunting,hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, ice fishing,interpretive programs (seasonal).
Special Features:A climb to the top of Jenny Jump Mountain offers visitors panoramic vistas of the Highlands and the Kittatinny Mountains and Valley to the west, and scenic views of the Great Meadows to the east. In 1995, United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey completed construction of Greenwood Observatory on leased park property. They offer public astronomy programs from April through October when weather permits.
Address:PO Box 150
Hope, NJ 07844

Size: 4,244 acres.

See other parks in New Jersey.