Jug Handle State Reserve
Jug Handle State Reserve
Location:1 mile north of Caspar on Highway 1.
Facilities:Picnic areas, hiking and nature trails.
Activities:Hiking, picnicking, scuba diving.
Special Features:Reserve's "ecological staircase" offers a firsthand look at 500,000years of California's geological history. A 2.5-mile self-guidingnature trail leads through five wave-cut terraces formed by glacier,sea, and tectonic activity that built the coast range. Each of theterraces was uplifted from sea level about 100,000 years before the onebelow it. The lowest terrace still battles ocean waves, the third terrace has a unique pygmy forest, and terraces above display more advanced vegetation.
Address:c/o Mendocino District Office
PO Box 440
Mendocino, CA 95460
Web: www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=441
Size: 776 acres.
See other parks in California.