Johnson-Sauk Trail State Park
Johnson-Sauk Trail State Park
Location:Northwest Illinois, off IL 78, 6 miles south of I-80 and 5 miles north of Kewanee.
Facilities:71 Class A campsites with electrical hookups for trailers, 25 Class Ctent sites, showers, youth campground, 10 picnic areas, 2 shelters,playground, fishing piers, marina, boat rentals, restaurant, multi-usetrails, historic barn.
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), canoeing, fishing, hiking,hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, ice skating, icefishing.
Special Features:Park is situated along a trail once used by the Winnebago Indians; thearea was also used for hunting by the Sauk and Fox Indians. The park'scenterpiece is a 58-acre lake with 2.5 miles of shoreline. The parkalso features one of the largest round barns in the country, measuringmore than 80 feet high and 85 feet in diameter, with a full-size siloinside. Tours of the barn may be arranged through the park office.
Address:28616 Sauk Trail Rd
Kewanee, IL 61443
Size: 1,365 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.