ipsissima verba

ip·sis·si·ma ver·ba

I0226300 (ĭp-sĭs′ə-mə vûr′bə)pl.n. The very words, as of a quote.
[New Latin : Latin ipsissima, the very, neuter pl. superlative of ipse, self + Latin verba, pl. of verbum, word.]

ipsissima verba

(ɪpˈsɪsɪmə ˈvɜːbə) pl n (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) the very words; verbatim

ip•sis•si•ma ver•ba

(ɪpˈsɪs ə mə ˈvɜr bə)

adv. (with) the very words; verbatim. [1800–10; < Late Latin]

ipsissima verba

A Latin phrase meaning the very words, used to mean verbatim.