


(Rikken Jiyuto), a constitutional liberal party, the first political party in Japan. The party was founded in October 1881 around the radical intelligentsia, liberal landowners, and the urban and rural bourgeoisie. From 1882 to 1884 there were several antigovernment demonstrations led by the left wing of the Jiyuto and supported by the peasantry. In October 1884 the party was disbanded. There was a noticeable shift to the right among the former members of Jiyuto. In 1890 the party was reestablished, and after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 it began to reflect the interests of several groups of the powerful bourgeoisie (especially the Mitsui group) who were linked with the landowners. In June 1898, Jiyuto joined with Simpoto (the party of the large bourgeoisie) to form the Kenseito Party. In 1900, Kenseito served as the basis for the landowner-bourgeois party Seyukai.