Ivo of Chartres, Saint
Ivo of Chartres, Saint
(ī`vō, shär`trə), c.1040–c.1116, French churchman, bishop of Chartres (after 1090). He was fearlessly outspoken and was briefly imprisoned for opposing the irregular second marriage of King Philip IPhilip I,1052–1108, king of France (1060–1108), son and successor of Henry I. He enlarged, by arms and by diplomacy, his small royal domain. In order to prevent the union of England and Normandy under a single ruler, he consistently supported Robert II of Normandy
..... Click the link for more information. of France. He worked to obtain a compromise in the struggle over investitures. His principal fame was for his knowledge of canon lawcanon law,
in the Roman Catholic Church, the body of law based on the legislation of the councils (both ecumenical and local) and the popes, as well as the bishops (for diocesan matters).
..... Click the link for more information. . His Decretum and Panormia, collections of canons, were perhaps the most extensive until supplanted by the work of GratianGratian,
fl. 1140, Italian legal scholar, founder of the science of canon law. Almost nothing is known of his life beyond the fact that he was a monk, almost certainly Camaldolite, and that he taught at the convent of saints Felix and Nabor (San Felice) in Bologna.
..... Click the link for more information. . In the prologue to these collections Ivo attempted to establish a hierarchy for the reconciliation of discordant laws, a system with methodological import for the rise of scholasticismscholasticism
, philosophy and theology of Western Christendom in the Middle Ages. Virtually all medieval philosophers of any significance were theologians, and their philosophy is generally embodied in their theological writings.
..... Click the link for more information. . Feast: May 24.