释义 |
in for
in 1 I0070300 (ĭn)prep.1. a. Within the limits, bounds, or area of: was hit in the face; born in the spring; a chair in the garden.b. From the outside to a point within; into: threw the letter in the wastebasket.2. To or at a situation or condition of: was split in two; in debt; a woman in love.3. a. Having the activity, occupation, or function of: a life in politics; the officer in command.b. During the act or process of: tripped in racing for the bus.4. a. With the arrangement or order of: fabric that fell in luxuriant folds; arranged to purchase the car in equal payments.b. After the style or form of: a poem in iambic pentameter.5. With the characteristic, attribute, or property of: a tall man in an overcoat.6. a. By means of: paid in cash.b. Made with or through the medium of: a statue in bronze; a note written in German.7. With the aim or purpose of: followed in pursuit.8. With reference to: six inches in depth; has faith in your judgment.9. Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion: saved only one in ten.adv.1. To or toward the inside: opened the door and stepped in.2. To or toward a destination or goal: The mob closed in.3. Sports So as to score, as by crossing home plate in baseball: singled the runner in.4. Within a place, as of business or residence: The manager is in before anyone else.5. So as to be available or under one's control: We can proceed when all the evidence is in.6. So as to include or incorporate: Fold in the egg whites.7. So as to occupy a position of success or favor: campaigned hard and was voted in.8. In a particular relationship: got in bad with their supervisor.adj.1. Located inside; inner.2. Incoming; inward: took the in bus.3. Holding office; having power: the in party.4. Informal a. Currently fashionable: the in thing to wear this season.b. Concerned with or attuned to the latest fashions: the in crowd. See Synonyms at fashionable.5. Relating to, understandable to, or coming from an exclusive group: an in reference.n.1. One that has position, influence, or power: the ins against the outs.2. Informal Influence; power: had an in with the authorities.Idioms: in for Guaranteed to get or have: You're in for a big surprise. in on Informed about; participating in: Only one business partner was not in on the illegal scheme. in that For the reason that. [Middle English, from Old English; see en in Indo-European roots.]
in 2 or in.abbr. inch
InThe symbol for indium.
INabbr. IndianaThesaurusAdj. | 1.in for - certain to get or have; "he knew he was in for a licking"sure, certain - certain to occur; destined or inevitable; "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin; "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win" | Translationsin (in) preposition1. describing the position of a thing etc which is surrounded by something else. My mother is in the house; in London; in bed. 在...裡 (表示地点、场所等)在...里 2. showing the direction of movement. He put his hand in his pocket. 入...內 (表示动作的方向)进入到...中 3. describing the time at, after or within which something happens. in the morning; I'll be back in a week. 在...期間 (表示时间)在...期间 4. indicating amount or relative number. They arrived in large numbers. 表示數量、相對數目等 (表示数量、程度等)以,按 5. expressing circumstances, state, manner etc of an event, person etc. dressed in a brown coat; walking in the rain; in a hurry; written in English; He is in the army; books tied up in bundles; She is in her sixties. (表示情況、狀態、方式)穿著,處在...中,以… (表示情况、状态、方式)穿着,处在...中,以…. adverb, adjective1. expressing the position of a person etc, usually at or to a place where the person etc is expected to be, eg home, office, station. Is Mr Smith in?; Is the train in yet?; Is he coming in today? 在,到達 在,去...处 2. describing something which is fashionable or popular. Short skirts are in at the moment. 流行的,熱門的 时髦的,流行的,时兴的 3. (of the tide) with the water at, or moving to, its highest level. The tide is (coming) in. 漲潮 涨(潮) -in describing an activity usually carried out by groups of people as a form of protest etc. a sit-in; a work-in. 表示群起抗議 表示有组织的抗议inmostinnermostunder innerday etc in, day etc out day etc after day etc without a break. I do the same boring job day in, day out; Last summer it rained week in, week out. 天天(表示一直重複的) 天天(日复一日地) inasmuch as, in as much as because; in consideration of the fact that. It would not be true to say he had retired from this firm, inasmuch as he still does a certain amount of work for us. 因為 因为in for likely to experience (especially something bad). We're in for some bad weather; You're in for it if you broke that window! 可能會遭遇(不好的事) 必定会遭到ins and outs the complex details of a plan etc. He knows all the ins and outs of this scheme. (計劃的)複雜細節 (计划的)复杂细节 insofar as, in so far as to the degree or extent that. I gave him the details insofar as I knew them. 在...的範圍(程度)內 在...的范围(限度)内 in that because; from the fact that. This is not a good plant for your garden in that its seeds are poisonous. 既然,因為 既然,因为 in for
be in for1. To anticipate or be very likely to experience something, usually that which will be unpleasant or undesirable. They just called another general meeting with the staff. It looks like we're in for more bad news.2. To be involved with or a part of something for a particular reason or purpose. More usually "be in it for." I'm not really that concerned with nonprofit work. I'm in for the boost it will give my career.3. To be in prison or similarly detained for a particular reason. What are you in for? My brother is in for stealing a car.in (something) for (someone)Involved with or a part of something in order to benefit from it. Why should we help you? What's in it for us? A boost to your resume is in it for you if you take this job.in for somethingdue to receive a surprise; due to receive punishment. (When the something is it, the it usually means punishment.) I hope I'm not in for any surprises when I get home. Tommy, you broke my baseball bat. You're really in for it! If I ever catch that chicken thief, he'll be in for it for sure.in for1. Guaranteed to get or have, as in We're in for a difficult time. [Late 1500s] 2. in for it. Certain to encounter trouble or punishment, as in When Harry finds out we left early, we'll be in for it. [Late 1600s] 3. Involved or entered for some purpose, as in We're in for the profits. [Mid-1800s] Also see have it in for; in for a penny. in for Guaranteed to get or have: You're in for a big surprise.in for Related to in for: inferWords related to in foradj certain to get or haveRelated Words |