International Selkirk Loop - Washington

International Selkirk Loop - Washington

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:PO Box 920
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Web: Description:Following rivers and lakeshores most of the way, the byway encircles the Selkirk Mountains in northeast Washington, north Idaho, and southeast British Columbia. Historically, the waterways were used for transportation, but today they are a source of year-round recreation that includes boating, water skiing, windsurfing, swimming, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and rafting. The Washington section of the route runs through river valleys along in the edge of Colville National Forest and enters the "Forgotten Corner" of Washington.
Legth: 77 miles (Washington section); 166 miles (US section); 280 miles (entire byway in the US and Canada). Start/Endpoint: A loop route through northern Idaho, northeasternWashington, and southeastern British Columbia. Washington section of the bywayruns from the Idaho state border near Newport, north on SR 20 and SR 31 to the US-Canadian border near Metaline. Time to Allow: 2 hours (Washington section); 8-10 hours (entire byway including ferry ride and US-Canadian border crossings). Designation/Year: All-American Road (2005).

See other parks in Idaho.