International Selkirk Loop - Idaho

International Selkirk Loop - Idaho

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:PO Box 920
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Web: Description:Following rivers and lakeshores most of the way, the byway encirclesthe Selkirk Mountains in northeast Washington, north Idaho, andsoutheast British Columbia. Thissection of the byway passes through theIdaho panhandle's scenic recreation area, including several sections ofthePanhandle National Forest and between Lake Pend Oreille and PriestLake. The Panhandle National Forestprovides a variety of year-round recreational opportunities, includingdownhill skiing and snowmobiling, snowboarding, bicycling, hiking,fishing, boating, horseback riding, and hunting. The public landsbordering the loop are home to the largest diversityof wildlife in the lower 48 states with more than 50 mammal and265+ bird species.
Legth: 89 miles (Idaho section); 166 miles (US section); 280 miles (entire byway in the US and Canada). Start/Endpoint: A loop route through northern Idaho, northeasternWashington, and southeastern British Columbia. Idaho section of the bywayruns from the Washington state border near Oldtown, east on US 2, thennorth on US 95 and SR 1 to the US-Canadian border near Porthill, Idaho. Time to Allow: 2 hours (Idaho section); 8-10 hours (entire byway including ferry ride and US-Canadian border crossings). Designation/Year: All-American Road (2005).

See other parks in Idaho.