Acronym | Definition |
INRA➣Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (French: National Institute for Agricultural Research; Paris, France; est. 1946) |
INRA➣Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (Spanish: National Institute for Agrarian Reform; various nations) |
INRA➣Inland Northwest Research Alliance |
INRA➣International Nuclear Regulators Association (est. 1997) |
INRA➣Institute for Natural Resources in Africa |
INRA➣International Natural Rubber Agreement |
INRA➣International Nuclear Recycling Alliance |
INRA➣Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) |
INRA➣Illinois Norsk Rosemalers Association |
INRA➣Informatie en Rekencentrum Autoverzekeringen |
INRA➣International Network Routing Addresses |
INRA➣Intergalactic Naval Research Arm |