Ingelfinger rule

In·gel·fin·ger rule

(ing'gel-fing'gĕr), a principle developed by Franz Ingelfinger for use in the editorial offices of the New England Journal of Medicine, stating that original articles submitted for publication will be reviewed on the understanding that the same information will not be submitted for publication elsewhere during the period of review; has been adopted by many other peer-reviewed medical journals.
Guidelines delineated by Franz J. Ingelfinger, MD, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, who felt that 2 criteria were imperative in accepting papers for publication in a scientific journal of high quality:
1. A news embargo on articles scheduled for appearance in the journal and
2. Strict application of the Ingelfinger rule:
‘The journal undertakes review with the understanding that neither the substance of the article nor the figures or tables have been published or will be submitted for publication during the period of review. This restriction does not apply to abstracts published in connection with scientific meetings or to news reports based on public presentations at such meetings’; the Rule has become the standard for quality medical and scientific journalism

In·gel·fin·ger rule

(ing'gĕl-fing'gĕr rūl) A principle developed by Franz Ingelfinger for use in the editorial offices of the New England Journal of Medicine, stating that original articles submitted for publication will be reviewed on the understanding that the same information will not be submitted for publication elsewhere during the period of review; has been adopted by many other peer-reviewed medical journals.