internal version


 [ver´zhun] the act of turning; especially the manual turning of the fetus in delivery.bipolar version turning done by acting upon both poles of the fetus by either external or combined version.cephalic version turning of the fetus so that the head is the presenting part.combined version external and internal versions together.external version that done using outside manipulation.internal version that done using the hand or fingers inserted through the dilated cervix.pelvic version version by manipulation of the breech (buttocks) of the fetus.podalic version conversion of a more unfavorable presentation into a presentation" >footling presentation.spontaneous version one that occurs without aid from any extraneous force.

internal version

Obstetrics A transvaginal procedure that converts a difficult fetal presentation to a vaginally deliverable situation by hand-rotating the fetus in utero. Cf External version.


(ver'zhon) [L. versio, a turning] 1. Altering of the position of the fetus in the uterus. It may occur naturally or may be done mechanically by the physician to facilitate delivery. See: conversion2. Deflection of an organ such as the uterus from its normal position.

bimanual version

Cephalic version

bipolar version

Cephalic version

cephalic version

Turning of the fetus so that the head presents. This may be done by internal and/or external manipulation. Synonym: bimanual version; bipolar version; external cephalic version; fetal version

combined version

Mechanical version by combined internal and external manipulation.

external version

Improving the presentation of an unengaged fetus by placing one's hands on the mother's abdomen and pushing, turning, or rotating the fetus.

external cephalic version

Cephalic version

fetal version

Cephalic version

internal version

Podalic version.

pelvic version

Turning a fetus from a transverse lie to a vertex (head down) presentation.

podalic version

Using two hands (one inside the uterus and one on the abdominal wall) to change a twin fetus from a breech to a vertex presentation. Synonym: internal version

spontaneous version

Unassisted conversion of fetal presentation by uterine muscular contractions.