internal urethral orifice


 [or´ĭ-fis] 1. the entrance or outlet of any body cavity.2. any opening" >opening or meatus" >meatus. adj., adj orific´ial.aortic orifice the opening of the left ventricle into the aorta; called also aortic opening.external urethral orifice urinary meatus.internal urethral orifice the opening from the urinary bladder into the urethra at one corner of the trigone of the bladder.left atrioventricular orifice (mitral orifice) the opening between the left atrium and ventricle of the heart.pulmonary orifice (orifice of pulmonary trunk) the opening between the trunk" >pulmonary trunk and the right ventricle of the heart; called also opening of pulmonary trunk.right atrioventricular orifice (tricuspid orifice) the opening between the right atrium and ventricle of the heart.ureteral orifice the opening of a ureter into the urinary bladder at one corner of the trigone of the bladder. Called also ureteral meatus.

in·ter·nal u·re·thral or·i·fice

[TA] the internal opening of the urethra, at the anterior and inferior angle of the trigone. Synonym(s): ostium urethrae internum [TA], internal urethral opening ☆

in·ter·nal u·re·thral or·i·fice

(in-tĕr'năl yūr-ē'thrăl ōr'i-fis) [TA] The internal opening or orifice of the urethra, at the anterior and inferior angle of the trigone.

internal urethral orifice

The opening from which the urethra makes its exit from the bladder.See also: orifice