Intel 80186
Intel 80186
(processor)One major function of the 80186/80188 series was to reduce thenumber of chips required.
"To satisfy this market, we defined a processor with asignificant performance increase over the 8086 that alsoincluded such common peripheral functions assoftware-controlled wait state and chip select logic, threetimers, priority interrupt controller, and two channels of DMA(direct memory access). This processor, the 80186, couldreplace up to 22 separate VLSI (very large scale integration)and TTL (transistor-transistor logic) packages and sell forless than the cost of the parts it replaced."
-- Paul Wells of Intel Corporation writing in Byte (referencebelow)
New instructions were also introduced as follows:
ENTER Make stcak frame for procedure parametersLEAVE High-level procedure exitPUSHA Push all general registersPOPA Pop all general registersBOUND Check array index against boundsIMUL Signed (integer) multiplyINS Input from port to stringOUTS Output string to port
["The Evolution of the iAPX 286", Bob Greene, IntelCorporation, PC Tech Journal, December 1984, page 134].
["The 80286 Microprocessor", Paul Wells, Intel Corporation,Byte, November 1984, p. 231].