

单词 injury



I0146300 (ĭn′jə-rē)n. pl. in·ju·ries 1. Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing: escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal that did considerable injury to the campaign.2. A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss: a leg injury.3. Law Violation of the rights of another party for which legal redress is available.4. Obsolete An insult.
[Middle English injurie, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin iniūria, a wrong, injustice, from feminine of iniūrius, unjust : in-, not; see in-1 + iūs, iūr-, law; see yewes- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈɪndʒərɪ) n, pl -ries1. physical damage or hurt2. a specific instance of this: a leg injury. 3. harm done to a reputation4. (Law) law a violation or infringement of another person's rights that causes him harm and is actionable at law5. an obsolete word for insult[C14: from Latin injūria injustice, wrong, from injūriōsus acting unfairly, wrongful, from in-1 + jūs right]


(ˈɪn dʒə ri)

n., pl. -ju•ries. 1. harm or damage done or sustained, esp. bodily harm: to escape without injury. 2. a particular form or instance of harm: an injury to one's shoulder; an injury to one's pride. 3. wrong or injustice done or suffered. 4. Law. any violation of the rights, property, etc., of another for which damages may be sought. 5. Obs. injurious speech; calumny. [1350–1400; Middle English injurie < Latin injūria unlawful conduct =in- in-3 + jūr-, s. of jūs right, law]


A term comprising such conditions as fractures, wounds, sprains, strains, dislocations, concussions, and compressions. In addition, it includes conditions resulting from extremes of temperature or prolonged exposure. Acute poisonings (except those due to contaminated food) resulting from exposure to a toxic or poisonous substance are also classed as injuries. See also casualty; wounded.


See also pain.
lapidationthe process or act of pelting with stones, sometimes as a form of execution.octogildAnglo-Saxon Law. payment for an injury, calculated at eight times its real or estimated value.traumatism1. any abnormal condition, either pathological or psychological, caused by wound or injury, either physical or psychological.
2. the trauma, wound, or injury itself. — traumatic, adj.
Noun1.injury - any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.injury - any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.harm, hurt, traumahealth problem, ill health, unhealthiness - a state in which you are unable to function normally and without painbrain damage - injury to the brain that impairs its functions (especially permanently); can be caused by trauma to the head, infection, hemorrhage, inadequate oxygen, genetic abnormality, etc.birth trauma - physical injury to an infant during the birth processblast trauma - injury caused the explosion of a bomb (especially in enclosed spaces)bleeding, haemorrhage, hemorrhage - the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vesselblunt trauma - injury incurred when the human body hits or is hit by a large outside object (as a car)bruise, contusion - an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discolorationbump - a lump on the body caused by a blowburn - an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiationdislocation - a displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)electric shock - trauma caused by the passage of electric current through the body (as from contact with high voltage lines or being struck by lightning); usually involves burns and abnormal heart rhythm and unconsciousnessfracture, break - breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall"cryopathy, frostbite - destruction of tissue by freezing and characterized by tingling, blistering and possibly gangreneintravasation - entry of foreign matter into a blood vesselpenetrating injury, penetrating trauma - injury incurred when an object (as a knife or bullet or shrapnel) penetrates into the bodypinch - an injury resulting from getting some body part squeezedrupture - state of being torn or burst openinsect bite, sting, bite - a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skinstrain - injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and painwhiplash, whiplash injury - an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)wale, weal, welt, wheal - a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactionswound, lesion - an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)wrench, pull, twist - a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments; "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell"; "he was sidelined with a hamstring pull"
2.injury - an accident that results in physical damage or hurtinjury - an accident that results in physical damage or hurtaccidental injuryaccident - an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injuryconcussion - injury to the brain caused by a blow; usually resulting in loss of consciousnessmutilation - an injury that causes disfigurement or that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
3.injury - a casualty to military personnel resulting from combatcombat injury, woundblighty wound - a wound that would cause an English soldier to be sent home from service abroadflesh wound - a wound that does not damage important internal organs or shatter any bonespersonnel casualty, loss - military personnel lost by death or capturearmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
4.injury - an act that causes someone or something to receive physical damageactus reus, wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing - activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing"disservice, ill service, ill turn - an act intended to help that turns out badly; "he did them a disservice"spoil, spoiling, spoilage - the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it; "her spoiling my dress was deliberate"
5.injury - wrongdoing that violates another's rights and is unjustly inflictedactus reus, wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing - activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing"legal injury, wrong, damage - any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right


noun1. wound, cut, damage, slash, trauma (Pathology), sore, gash, lesion, abrasion, laceration Four police officers sustained serious injuries in the explosion.2. harm, suffering, damage, ill, hurt, disability, misfortune, affliction, impairment, disfigurement The two other passengers escaped serious injury.3. wrong, abuse, offence, insult, injustice, grievance, affront, detriment, disservice She was awarded £3,500 for injury to her feelings.


noun1. The action or result of inflicting loss or pain:damage, detriment, harm, hurt, mischief.2. Law. An act that is not just:disservice, inequity, injustice, raw deal, wrong.


(ˈindʒə) verb to harm or damage. He injured his arm when he fell; They were badly injured when the car crashed; A story like that could injure his reputation; His pride has been injured. 損害 损害ˈinjured adjective1. (also noun) (people who have been) wounded or harmed. The injured (people) were all taken to hospital after the accident. 受傷的 受伤的2. (of feelings, pride etc) hurt. `Why didn't you tell me before?' he said in an injured voice. 受損害的 受损害的injurious (inˈdʒuəriəs) adjective (with to) harmful. Smoking is injurious to one's health. 有害的 有害的ˈinjuryplural ˈinjuries noun (an instance of) harm or damage. Badly designed chairs can cause injury to the spine; The motorcyclist received severe injuries in the crash. 傷害 伤害




add insult to injury

To exacerbate an already problematic situation in a way that is humiliating; to make someone who has just experienced injury or defeat feel worse about the situation with one's words. A: "Well, it's not like you were having a great season before you broke your leg." B: "Thanks for adding insult to injury." I was already late for work and, to add insult to injury, I spilled coffee all over myself.See also: add, injury, insult

do (oneself or someone) an injury

To do something that harms or injures oneself or someone else. You'll do yourself an injury if you keeping riding so carelessly. You sure did your brother an injury by including him in that dangerous game.See also: injury

add insult to injury

Fig. Cliché to make a bad situation worse; to hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt. First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen. My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway.See also: add, injury, insult

add insult to injury

Hurt a person's feelings after doing him or her harm; also, make a bad situation worse. For example, Not only did the club refuse him, but it published a list of the rejected applicants-that's adding insult to injury , or The nearest parking space was half a mile away, and then, to add insult to injury, it began to pour : The phrase is an ancient one, even older than its often cited use in the Roman writer Phaedrus's fable of the bald man and the fly. A fly bit the head of a bald man, who, trying to crush it, gave himself a heavy blow. The fly then jeered, "You want to avenge an insect's sting with death; what will you do to yourself, who have added insult to injury?" In English it was first recorded in 1748. See also: add, injury, insult

add insult to injury

COMMON If someone or something adds insult to injury, they make a bad situation worse by doing or causing another bad thing. She stood there and made him wash every part of his body. She then added insult to injury by trimming his hair and making him wear a linen shirt several sizes too big for him. Birth is such a shock, and what usually follows adds insult to injury. The poor little thing is held upside down and slapped. Note: You can use to add insult to injury or adding insult to injury to introduce a further unpleasant thing that has happened and that you are reporting. The driver of the car that killed Simon Collins got away with a £250 fine. To add insult to injury, he drove away from court in his own car.See also: add, injury, insult

do yourself an injury

suffer physical harm or damage. informalSee also: injury

add insult to injury

do or say something that makes a bad or displeasing situation even worse. This phrase comes from Edward Moore's play The Foundling ( 1748 ): ‘This is adding insult to injuries’.See also: add, injury, insult

add ˌinsult to ˈinjury

make a bad relationship with somebody worse by offending them even more: She forgot to send me an invitation to her party and then added insult to injury by asking to borrow my jacket!See also: add, injury, insult

do somebody/yourself an ˈinjury

(often humorous) hurt somebody/yourself physically: I nearly did myself an injury carrying those heavy suitcases.See also: injury, somebody

add insult to injury, to

To make harm worse by adding humiliation. The phrase has been traced to a Greek fable about a bald man. Trying to kill a fly on his head, he misses and hits himself very hard, and the fly replies, “You wanted to kill me for merely landing on you; what will you do to yourself now that you have added insult to injury?” It has since been applied to countless situations by as many writers, and has long been a cliché. See also: add, insult
See injury



Law a violation or infringement of another person's rights that causes him harm and is actionable at law


[′in·jə·rē] (medicine) A structural or functional stress or trauma that induces a pathologic process. Damage resulting from the stress.
See injury



 [in´jŭ-re] harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an external force. Called also trauma and wound.brain injury impairment of structure or function of the brain, usually as a result of a trauma.deceleration injury a mechanism of motion injury in which the body is forcibly stopped but the contents of the body cavities remain in motion due to inertia; the brain is particularly vulnerable to such trauma.head injury see head injury.risk for injury a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the state in which a person is at risk for injury as a result of environmental conditions interacting with the individual's adaptive and defensive resources. Any pathophysiological condition such as altered level of consciousness, impaired sensory perception, tissue hypoxia, and pain or fatigue can contribute to or be the cause of personal injury. Age-related factors include infancy and early childhood, advanced age, and the 20- to 29-year age group in which accidents and harmful lifestyles are major causes of illness and death.risk for perioperative-positioning injury a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as being at risk for injury as a result of the environmental conditions found in the perioperative setting.ventilator-induced injury injury to the lung secondary to ventilator treatment, the result of excessive airway pressures, maldistribution of tidal volume, or high oxygen concentrations. See also barotrauma.


(in'jŭr-ē), 1. The damage or wound of trauma. 2. Lesion (q.v.). [L. injuria, fr. in- neg. + jus (jur-), right]


(ĭn′jə-rē)n.1. Damage, harm, or loss, as from trauma.2. A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss.


Medtalk Trauma, wound, hurt. See Acceleration-deceleration injury, Acute spinal injury, Anterior cruciate ligament injury, Arachnic injury, Bite-mark injury, Blunt injury, Boot-induced anterior cruciate ligament injury, Brachial plexus injury, Chemical injury, Chemical eye injury, Closed fist injury, Cold injury, Corrosive injury, Deceleration injury, Degloving injury, Diffuse axonal injury, Diffuse ischemic injury, Golfing injury, Grade I injury, Grade II injury, Grade III injury, Hamstring injury, In-line skating injury, Lateral collateral ligament injury, Lye injury, Mass injury, Medial collateral ligament injury, Mild traumatic brain injury, Needle-stick injury, Overuse injury, Parachute-related injury, Patterned injury, Perversion injury, Phantom foot anterior cruciate ligament injury, Reperfusion injury, Repetitive motion injury, Reversible injury, SCIWORA, Sharp injury, Sliding injury, Spinal cord injury, Splash injury, Sports injury, Thoracic inlet injury, Transfusion-related acute lung injury, Trauma, Ventilator-induced lung injury, Violence-related injury, Weapons-related injury, Whiplash injury, Wound, Wringer injury Public health ±60 million people are injured, US/yr; total cost, ±$200 billion; direct costs account for 29%; in 1994, 151, 000 US deaths were due to injuries, > 1⁄3 due to MVAs. See Burns, Drowning, Falls, Firearms, Hip fractures, Motor vehicle accidents, Poisoning.


(in'jŭr-ē) Damage, harm, or loss, to a person particularly as the result of external force. [L. injuria, fr. in- neg. + jus (jur-), right]


Any permanent or semi-permanent disturbance of structure or function of any part of the body caused by an external agency. Such agency may be mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical or radiational. The term may also be applied to damage caused by infecting organisms or to psychological trauma.


sulcus, subtarsal.


The act of washing or cleansing a cavity or a surface with a stream of water or other solution (e.g. physiological saline) as in chemical or thermal burns or other superficial injuries to the eye, or to dislodge small foreign bodies on the cornea or in the conjunctival sac. See corneal abrasion; lid eversion.


(in'jŭr-ē) Damage, harm, or loss, to a person. [L. injuria, fr. in- neg. + jus (jur-), right]

Patient discussion about injury

Q. How do I avoid Sport injuries? I started climbing recently and going to the gym 3 times a week. A. I had the same question, so I dug up a little bit through the web and found this wonderful site with a lot of tips + videos about “how to avoid sport injuries :
bookmark it!

Q. How can I avoid sport injuries? I started training In a gym near my house, I run 3k every other day and lifting weights. I’ve been having a slight pain in my knees the past 3 times. How can I avoid it?A. A good idea is never miss a warm up:
another good idea- don’t stress it up, if you feel pain- don’t ignore it just like you won’t ignore a fire alarm.
Talk to a certified trainer and build a work out plan. Don’t just start running and lifting weights.
It’s very good you started exercising, you just have to do it safely.

Q. How long after an injury does it take for the symptoms to develop? I read in an article that traumatic muscle injuries can take up to four months to heal. In the case of post-traumatic fibromyalgia, how long after an injury does it take for the symptoms to develop?A. What you have read was right. I too came across that information somewhere. Post-traumatic fibromyalgia symptoms usually do not occur immediately after an injury. In addition, it usually takes several weeks or months before symptoms appear, and as traumatic muscle injuries can take up to four months to heal, fibromyalgia cannot be diagnosed until several months after injury.

More discussions about injury


Related to Injury: Sports injury


A comprehensive term for any wrong or harm done by one individual to another individual's body, rights, reputation, or property. Any interference with an individual's legally protected interest.

A civil injury is any damage done to person or property that is precipitated by a breach of contract, Negligence, or breach of duty. The law of torts provides remedies for injury caused by negligent or intentional acts.

An accidental injury is an injury to the body caused unintentionally. Within the meaning of Workers' Compensation acts, it is an injury occurring in the course of employment.

One who is injured might be able to recover damages against the individual who caused him or her harm, since the law seeks to provide a remedy for every injury.


n. any harm done to a person by the acts or omissions of another. Injury may include physical hurt as well as damage to reputation or dignity, loss of a legal right, or breach of contract. If the party causing the injury was either willful (intentionally causing harm) or negligent then he/she is responsible (liable) for payment of damages for the harm caused. Theoretically, potential or continuing injury may be prevented by an order of the court upon a petition for an injunction. (See: damages, negligence, injunction, injunctive relief)

INJURY. A wrong or tort. Injuries are divided into public and private; and they affect the. person, personal property, or real property.
3.-1. They affect the person absolutely or relatively. The absolute injuries are, threats and menaces, assaults, batteries, wounding, mayhems; injuries to health, by nuisances or medical malpractices. Those affecting reputation are, verbal slander, libels, and malicious prosecutions; and those affecting personal liberty are, false imprisonment and malicious prosecutions. The relative injuries are those which affect the rights of a husband; these are, abduction of the wife, or harboring her, adultery and battery those which affect the rights of a parent, as, abduction, seduction, or battery of a child; and of a master, seduction, harboring and battery of his apprentice or servant. Those which conflict with the rights of the inferior relation, namely, the wife, child, apprentice, or servant, are, withholding conjugal rights, maintenance, wages, &c.
4.-2. Injuries to personal property, are, the unlawful taking and detention thereof from the owner; and other injuries are, some damage affecting the same while in the claimant's possession, or that of a third person, or injuries to his reversionary interests.
5.-3. Injuries to real property are, ousters, trespasses nuisances, waste, subtraction of rent, disturbance of right of way, and the like.
6. Injuries arise in three ways. 1. By nonfeasance, or the not doing what was a legal obligation, or. duty, or contract, to perform. 2. Misfeasance, or the performance, in an improper manner, of an act which it was either the party's duty, or his contract, to perform. 3. Malfeasance, or the unjust performance of some act which the party had no right, or which he had contracted not to do.
7. The remedies are different, as the injury affects private individuals, or the public. 1. When the injuries affect a private right and a private individual, although often also affecting the public, there are three descriptions of remedies: 1st. The preventive, such as defence, resistance, recaption, abatement of nuisance, surety of the peace, injunction, &c. 2d. Remedies for compensation, which may be by arbitration, suit, action, or summary proceedings before a justice of the peace. 3d. Proceedings for punishment, as by indictment, or summary Proceedings before a justice. 2. When the injury is such as to affect the public, it becomes a crime, misdemeanor, or offence, and the party may be punished by indictment or summary conviction, for the public injury; and by civil action at the suit of the party, for the private wrong. But in cases of felony, the remedy by action for the private injury is generally suspended until the party particularly injured has fulfilled his duty to the public by prosecuting the offender for the public crime; and in cases of homicide the remedy is merged in the felony. 1 Chit. Pr. 10; Ayl. Pand. 592. See 1 Miles' Rep. 316, 17; and article Civil Remedy.
8. There are many injuries for which the law affords no remedy. In general, it interferes only when there has been a visible bodily injury inflicted by force or poison, while it leaves almost totally unprotected the whole class of the most malignant mental injuries and sufferings unless in a few cases, where, by descending to a fiction, it sordidly supposes some pecuniary loss, and sometimes, under a mask, and contrary to its own legal principles, affords compensation to wounded feelings. A parent, for example, cannot sue, in that character, for an injury inflicted on his child and when his own domestic happiness has been destroyed, unless the fact will sustain the allegation that the daughter was the servant of her father, and that, by, reason of such seduction, he lost the benefit of her services. Another instance may be mentioned: A party cannot recover damages for verbal slander in many cases; as, when the facts published are true, for the defendant would justify and the party injured must fail. A case of this kind, remarkably bard, occurred in England. A young nobleman had seduced a young woman, who, after living with him some time, became sensible of the impropriety of her conduct. She left him secretly, and removed to an obscure place in the kingdom, where she obtained a situation, and became highly respected in consequence of her good conduct she was even promoted to a better and more public employment when she was unfortunately discovered by her seducer. He made proposals to her to renew their illicit intercourse, which were rejected; in order to, force her to accept them, he published the history of her early life, and she was discharged from her employment, and lost the good opinion of those on whom she depended for her livelihood. For this outrage the culprit could not be made answerable, civilly or criminally. Nor will the law punish criminally the author of verbal slander, imputing even the most infamous crimes, unless done with intent to extort a chattel, money, or valuable thing. The law presumes, perhaps unnaturally enough, that a man is incapable of being alarmed or affected by such injuries to his feelings. Vide 1 Chit. Med. Jur. 320. See, generally, Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t.

INJURY, civil law, In the technical sense of the term it is a delict committed in contempt, or outrage of any one, whereby his body, his dignity, or his reputation, is. maliciously injured. Voet, Com. ad Pand. lib. 47, t. 10, n. 1.
2. Injuries may be divided into two classes, With reference to the means used by the wrong doer, namely, by words and by acts. The first are called verbal injuries, the latter real.
3. A verbal injury, when directed against a private person, consists in the uttering contumelious words, which tend to expose his character, by making him little or ridiculous. Where the offensive words are uttered in the beat of a dispute, and spoken to the person's face, the law does not presume any malicious intention in the utterer, whose resentment generally subsides with his passion;, and yet, even in that case, the truth of the injurious words seldom absolves entirely from punishment. Where the injurious expressions have a tendency to blacken one's moral character, or fix some particular guilt upon him, and are deliberately repeated in different companies, or banded about in whispers to confidants, it then grows up to the crime of slander, agreeably to the distinction of the Roman law, 1. 15, Sec. 12, de injur.
4. A reat injury is inflicted by any fact by which a person's honor or dignity is affected; as striking one with a cane, or even aiming a blow without striking; spitting in one's face; assuming a coat of arms, or any other mark of distinction proper to another, &c. The composing and publish in defamatory libels maybe reckoned of this kind. Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. 4, 4, 45.



Related to injury: Sports injury
  • noun

Synonyms for injury

noun wound


  • wound
  • cut
  • damage
  • slash
  • trauma
  • sore
  • gash
  • lesion
  • abrasion
  • laceration

noun harm


  • harm
  • suffering
  • damage
  • ill
  • hurt
  • disability
  • misfortune
  • affliction
  • impairment
  • disfigurement

noun wrong


  • wrong
  • abuse
  • offence
  • insult
  • injustice
  • grievance
  • affront
  • detriment
  • disservice

Synonyms for injury

noun the action or result of inflicting loss or pain


  • damage
  • detriment
  • harm
  • hurt
  • mischief

noun an act that is not just


  • disservice
  • inequity
  • injustice
  • raw deal
  • wrong

Synonyms for injury

noun any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc


  • harm
  • hurt
  • trauma

Related Words

  • health problem
  • ill health
  • unhealthiness
  • brain damage
  • birth trauma
  • blast trauma
  • bleeding
  • haemorrhage
  • hemorrhage
  • blunt trauma
  • bruise
  • contusion
  • bump
  • burn
  • dislocation
  • electric shock
  • fracture
  • break
  • cryopathy
  • frostbite
  • intravasation
  • penetrating injury
  • penetrating trauma
  • pinch
  • rupture
  • insect bite
  • sting
  • bite
  • strain
  • whiplash
  • whiplash injury
  • wale
  • weal
  • welt
  • wheal
  • wound
  • lesion
  • wrench
  • pull
  • twist

noun an accident that results in physical damage or hurt


  • accidental injury

Related Words

  • accident
  • concussion
  • mutilation

noun a casualty to military personnel resulting from combat


  • combat injury
  • wound

Related Words

  • blighty wound
  • flesh wound
  • personnel casualty
  • loss
  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine

noun an act that causes someone or something to receive physical damage

Related Words

  • actus reus
  • wrongful conduct
  • misconduct
  • wrongdoing
  • disservice
  • ill service
  • ill turn
  • spoil
  • spoiling
  • spoilage

noun wrongdoing that violates another's rights and is unjustly inflicted

Related Words

  • actus reus
  • wrongful conduct
  • misconduct
  • wrongdoing
  • legal injury
  • wrong
  • damage




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