injunction threat

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Country: United Kingdom
State: All States/Provincesmy sisters ex boyfriend has appeared in court charged with assault on her daughter and herself he also has allegations of sexual assault and rape awaiting forensic results also with my sister he has issued myself with a letter saying that I have been spreading malicious rumors abou him being a rapist etc etc . he is threatening to get an injunction what is this? and what should I do ? the letter came off a solicitor and said someone had informed him my m other also received one. the letter went on to say it was not true we could damage his reputation etc. And that if we repeated this again he would take the injunction proceedings against us what does this entail.?


He could try to get a court order that forbids you from saying false things or even anything about him; you are allowed to say anything that is true however--and you can give your opinion as well; they cannot stop that.