interosseous muscles

interosseous muscles

[TA] muscles that arise from and run between the long (metacarpal and metatarsal) bones of the hand and foot, extending to and producing movement of the digits.
See also: dorsal interossei (interosseous muscles) of foot, dorsal interossei (interosseous muscles) of hand, palmar interossei (interosseous muscles), plantar interossei (interosseous muscles).
Synonym(s): musculi interossei [TA]

in·ter·os·se·ous mus·cles

(in'tĕr-os'ē-ŭs mŭs'ĕlz) [TA] Muscles that arise from and run between long (metacarpal and metatarsal) bones of the hand and foot, extending to and moving digits.
See also: dorsal interossei (interosseous muscles) of foot, dorsal interossei (interosseous muscles) of hand, palmar interosseous muscle, plantar interosseous muscle
Synonym(s): musculi interossei.