International Hydrological Decade
International Hydrological Decade
a period of international cooperation in the area of hydrology, lasting from 1965 to 1974. The necessity of conducting an International Hydrological Decade arose because of the ever increasing needs of the human race for water and an insufficient knowledge about natural waters in many areas of the world. More than 100 countries participated in the International Hydrological Decade.
The program of the International Hydrological Decade was approved by the 13th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1964. The program included a large number of scientific, technical, and practical problems and projects, such as the establishment of a network of stations (river and lake stations, stations for studying groundwaters and for measuring evaporation), improvement of observations, recording of water resources and water balances, training of hydrologists, and exchange of information and publications. A coordinating council was established to direct the program of the International Hydrological Decade. The council consisted of 21 member nations, among them the USSR. The Interdepartmental Committee on the International Hydrological Decade was set up to provide supervision within the USSR.
Kovzel’, A. G., and O. A. Spengler. Chto takoe MGD? Leningrad, 1969.Korzun, V. I. “Piat’ let MGD.” Meteorologiia igidrologiia, 1970, no. 3. Shaban, V. P. “Mezhdunarodnoe gidrologicheskoe desiatiletie.” Ibid., 1971, no. 7.