

单词 internal capsule
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internal capsule

internal capsule

[in′tərn·əl ′kap·səl] (neuroscience) A layer of nerve fibers on the outer side of the thalamus and caudate nucleus, which it separates from the lenticular nucleus.

internal capsule


 [kap´sul, kap´sūl] 1. an enclosing structure, as a soluble container enclosing a dose of medicine.2. a cartilaginous, fatty, fibrous, or membranous structure enveloping another structure, organ, or part. adj., adj cap´sular. Capsule. Generalized structure of a synovial joint showing the joint or articular capsule. From Applegate, 2000.articular capsule the saclike envelope that encloses the cavity of a synovial joint by attaching to the circumference of the articular end of each involved bone. Called also joint capsule.adipose renal capsule the investment of fat surrounding the capsule" >fibrous renal capsule, continuous at the hilus with the fat in the renal sinus.bacterial capsule a gelatinous envelope surrounding a bacterial cell, usually polysaccharide but sometimes polypeptide in nature; it is associated with the virulence of pathogenic bacteria.Bowman's capsule the globular dilatation forming the beginning of a tubule" >renal tubule and surrounding the glomerulus. Called also glomerular capsule and malpighian capsule.c's of the brain two layers of white matter in the substance of the brain; external capsule and internal capsule.external capsule the layer of white fibers between the putamen and claustrum.fibrous renal capsule the connective tissue investment of the kidney, which continues through the hilus to line the renal sinus.Glisson's capsule a sheath of connective tissue accompanying the hepatic ducts and vessels through the hepatic portal. In hepatitis it may become stretched, which is a common cause of pain.glomerular capsule Bowman's capsule.capsule of heart pericardium.internal capsule the fanlike mass of white fibers separating the lentiform nucleus laterally from the head of the caudate nucleus, the dorsal thalamus, and the tail of the caudate nucleus medially. The internal capsule carries both afferent and efferent fibers of the cerebral cortex.joint capsule articular capsule.capsule of lens the elastic sac enclosing the lens of the eye.malpighian capsule Bowman's capsule.capsule of pancreas a thin sheath of areolar tissue that invests the pancreas (but does not form a definite capsule), the septa of which extend into the gland and divide it into lobules.renal c's the investing tissue around the kidney, divided into the capsule" >fibrous renal capsule and the capsule" >adipose renal capsule.Tenon's capsule the connective tissue enveloping the posterior eyeball.

in·ter·nal cap·sule

[TA] a massive layer (8-10 mm thick) of white matter separating the caudate nucleus and thalamus (medial) from the more laterally situated lentiform nucleus (globus pallidus and putamen). It consists of two gernal fiber populations: fibers ascending from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex that comprise, among others, the visual, auditory, and somatic sensory radiations, and fibers descending from the cerebral cortex to the thalamus, subthalamic region, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord. The internal capsule is the major route by which the cerebral cortex is connected with the brainstem and spinal cord. Laterally and superiorly it is continuous with the corona radiata, which forms a major part of the cerebral hemisphere's white matter; caudally and medially it continues, much reduced in size, as the crus cerebri, which contains, among others, corticospinal fibers. In axial (horizontal) section it appears in the form of a V opening out laterally; the V's obtuse angle is called genu (knee); its anterior and posterior limbs, respectively, the crus anterior and crus posterior. The internal capsule consists of an anterior limb [TA], genu of internal capsule [TA], posterior limb [TA], retrolentiform (or retrolenticular) limb [TA], and sublentiform (or sublenticular) limb [TA]. Synonym(s): capsula interna [TA]

internal capsule

A thick (circa 1 cm) layer of white matter which separates the medial caudate nucleus and thalamus from the lateral lentiform nucleus, consisting of the globus pallidus and the putamen. The internal capsule provides the major connections between the cerebral cortex and the brainstem and spinal cord. It is supplied in large part by the lenticulostriate arteries, whose compromise by hypertension can lead to punctate infarctions and parenchymal haemorrhage. The primary motor cortex sends its axons via the posterior internal capsule; lesions of this region lead to contralateral hemiparesis or hemiplegia.

in·ter·nal cap·sule

(in-tĕr'năl kap'sŭl) [TA] A massive layer (8-10 mm thick) of white matter separating the caudate nucleus and thalamus (medial) from the more laterally situated lentiform nucleus (globus pallidus and putamen). It consists of 1) fibers ascending from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex that compose, among others, the visual, auditory, and somatic sensory radiations, and 2) fibers descending from the cerebral cortex to the thalamus, subthalamic region, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord. The internal capsule is the major route by which the cerebral cortex is connected with the brainstem and spinal cord. Laterally and superiorly it is continuous with the corona radiata, which forms a major part of the white matter of the cerebral hemisphere; caudally and medially it continues, much reduced in size, as the crus cerebri that contains, among others, the pyramidal tract. On horizontal section it appears in the form of a V opening out laterally; the V's obtuse angle is called the genu (knee); its anterior and posterior limbs, respectively, the crus anterior and crus posterior.
Synonym(s): capsula interna [TA] .

internal capsule

A corridor within the brain for bundles of nerve fibres, especially the motor PYRAMIDAL TRACTS descending from the motor cortex. Each internal capsule lies on the outer side of the THALAMUS and CAUDATE NUCLEUS and on the inner side of the LENTICULAR NUCLEUS. Bleeding within an internal capsule is a common cause of paralytic STROKE.




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