infraorbital nerve

in·fra·or·bit·al nerve

[TA] the continuation of the maxillary nerve [CN V2] after it has traversed the pterygopalatine fossa and enters the orbit, via the infraorbital fissure, it is then transmitted by the infraorbital canal to reach the face; it supplies the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, the upper incisors, canine and premolars, the upper gums, the inferior eyelid and conjunctiva, part of the nose, and the superior lip. Synonym(s): nervus infraorbitalis [TA]

in·fra·or·bit·al nerve

(in'fră-ōr'bi-tăl nĕrv) [TA] The continuation of the maxillary nerve after it has entered the orbit, through the infraorbital fissure, traversing the infraorbital canal to reach the face; it supplies the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, the upper incisors, canine and premolars, the upper gums, the inferior eyelid and conjunctiva, part of the nose and the superior lip.
Synonym(s): nervus infraorbitalis [TA] .

infraorbital nerve

The terminal branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V2). It is a sensory nerve that leaves the floor of the orbit through the infraorbital foramen and innervates the upper incisors and canine teeth, the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, and the skin of the lower eyelid, cheek, side of the nose, and upper lip. See also: nerve

in·fra·or·bit·al nerve

(in'fră-ōr'bi-tăl nĕrv) [TA] Continuation of the maxillary nerve [CN V2] after it has traversed the pterygopalatine fossa and enters the orbit, via the infraorbital fissure; it is then transmitted by the infraorbital canal to reach the face; supplies mucosa of maxillary sinus; upper incisors, canine and premolar; upper gums; inferior eyelid and conjunctiva; part of the nose; and superior lip.