inferior salivatory nucleus

in·fe·ri·or sa·li·va·tor·y nu·cle·us

[TA] a group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor neurons located in the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata dorsal to the nucleus ambiguus; its axons leave the brain with the glossopharyngeal nerve and govern secretion from the parotid gland by the intermediary of the ganglion oticum; cells of the inferior and superior nucleus are scattered and overlapping in lateral regions of the reticular formation. Synonym(s): nucleus salivatorius inferior [TA], inferior salivary nucleus

inferior salivatory nucleus

A nucleus of the visceral motor column in the pontine hindbrain just rostral to the medulla. This nucleus is the origin of the preganglionic parasympathetic axons of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) that synapse in the otic ganglion and regulate secretions of the parotid gland. See also: nucleus