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intermediate care facility
intermediate care facilityn. A health care facility for individuals who are disabled, elderly, or nonacutely ill, usually providing less intensive care than that offered at a hospital or skilled nursing facility.intermediate care facility n (Medicine) US a medical facility that provides institutional health care services but not to the degree of those provided by a hospital. Abbreviation: ICF EncyclopediaSeeFacilityintermediate care facility
facility [fah-sil´ĭ-te] an agency or other site where an activity or process is carried out.independent living f's congregate housing.intermediate care facility (ICF) a health related facility designed to provide custodial care for individuals unable to care for themselves because of mental or physical infirmity; not considered by the government to be a medical facility, it can receive no reimbursement under Medicare, generally receiving the bulk of its financing under Medicaid. Federal regulations require that an ICF have a registered nurse as director of nursing and a licensed nurse on duty at least 8 hours a day; other staffing requirements vary from state to state.skilled nursing facility (SNF) a type of nursing home recognized by the Medicare and Medicaid systems as meeting long term health care needs for individuals who have the potential to function independently after a limited period of care. A multidisciplinary team guides health care and rehabilitative services, including skilled nursing care.intermediate care facilityn. A health care facility for individuals who are disabled, elderly, or nonacutely ill, usually providing less intensive care than that offered at a hospital or skilled nursing facility.intermediate care facility Managed care A state-licensed facility that provides nursing care to those who don't require the degree of care which a hospital or skilled nursing facility provides. Cf Hospice, Nursing home, Shelter, Tertiary care center. in·ter·me·di·ate care fa·cil·i·ty (ICF) (in'tĕr-mē'dē-ăt kār fă-sil'i-tē) A residential option for patients who cannot live alone and also need more supervision than in-home services offer but who do not need the level of care found in skilled nursing facilities. See: nursing facilityAcronymsSeeICFThesaurusSeefacility |