Informatsionnyi Ukazatel Gosudarstvennykh Standartov SSSR

Informatsionnyi Ukazatel’ Gosudarstvennykh Standartov SSSR


(Information Directory of State Standards of the USSR), a monthly official publication of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The directory has been published in Moscow since 1940. Intended for a wide range of engineering and technical personnel, the directory includes a list of state standards (arranged in sections and classification groups of the All-Union State Standards) approved by Gosstandart (the state standard organization) of the USSR for the previous month (including standards for certified production) and the numbers of standards and instructions that have been revoked or changed. Every issue of the directory includes a supplement (texts of changes and corrections made in state standards). On the basis of materials on the state registration of standards, the directory is used to compile the All-Union Information Fund of Standards and Specifications. In 1971, the circulation of the directory was 47,000 copies.