

单词 intelligent terminal

intelligent terminal

intelligent terminal

n. See smart terminal.

intelligent terminal

n (Computer Science) a computer operating terminal that can carry out some data processing, as well as sending data to and receiving it from a central processor

intelligent terminal

intelligent terminal

[in′tel·ə·jənt ′ter·mən·əl] (computer science) A computer input/output device with its own memory and logic circuits which can perform certain operations normally carried out by the computer. Also known as smart terminal.

intelligent terminal

(hardware)(or "smart terminal", "programmable terminal") Aterminal that often contains not only a keyboard and screen,but also comes with a disk drive and printer, so it canperform limited processing tasks when not communicatingdirectly with the central computer. Some can be programmed bythe user to perform many basic tasks, including botharithmetic and logic operations. In some cases, when the userenters data, the data will be checked for errors and sometype of report will be produced. In addition, the valid datathat is entered may be stored on the disk, it will betransmitted over communication lines to the central computer.

An intelligent terminal may have enough computing capabilityto draw graphics or to offload some kind of front-endprocessing from the computer it talks to.

The development of workstations and personal computers hasmade this term and the product it describes semi-obsolescent,but one may still hear variants of the phrase "act like asmart terminal" used to describe the behaviour of workstationsor PCs with respect to programs that execute almost entirelyout of a remote server's storage, using said devices asdisplays.

The term once meant any terminal with an addressable cursor;the opposite of a glass tty. Today, a terminal with merelyan addressable cursor, but with none of the more-powerfulfeatures mentioned above, is called a dumb terminal.

There is a classic quote from Rob Pike (inventor of the blitterminal): "A smart terminal is not a smart*ass* terminal, butrather a terminal you can educate". This illustrates a commondesign problem: The attempt to make peripherals (or anythingelse) intelligent sometimes results in finicky, rigid "specialfeatures" that become just so much dead weight if you try touse the device in any way the designer didn't anticipate.Flexibility and programmability, on the other hand, are*really* smart.

Compare hook.

intelligent terminal

A terminal with built-in processing capability, but no local disk or tape storage. It may use a general-purpose CPU or may have specialized circuitry as part of a distributed intelligence system. Contrast with dumb terminal.

intelligent terminal


 [ter´mĭ-nal] 1. forming or pertaining to an end.2. a termination, end, or extremity, especially a nerve ending.3. an input-output device that communicates with a computer and includes parts such as a keyboard and a printer.dedicated terminal a terminal reserved for just one type of computer application.dumb terminal a computer terminal capable both as an input device, sending data keyed in on the terminal keyboard, and as an output device, displaying data on a screen or printing it on paper. See also intelligent terminal.intelligent terminal a computer terminal, or a microcomputer functioning as a terminal, that can process data files stored on mass storage devices (usually floppy disks). Such files may be either output files received from the host computer or input (command) files sent to the host computer. See also dumb terminal.point of care terminal a computer terminal that serves as an input device to allow health professionals to enter data at the patient's bedside.




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