Acronym | Definition |
INP➣Input |
INP➣Institut National Polytechnique (French: National Polytechnic Institute; various locations) |
INP➣Indium Phosphide |
INP➣In Process |
INP➣Intelligent Networking Pack (Hp) |
INP➣Instytut Nauk Politycznych (Polish: Institute of Political Science) |
INP➣Ibm Network Processor |
INP➣Instant Notification Payment |
INP➣Input Port |
INP➣Inhibit Presentation |
INP➣Impulse Noise Protection |
INP➣Iraqi National Police |
INP➣In-Network Programming (computing) |
INP➣Itatiaia National Park (Brazil) |
INP➣Innovative Naval Prototype (US Navy) |
INP➣Interim Number Portability |
INP➣Infrastructure Needs Program (USAID) |
INP➣Introduction of New Products |
INP➣Independence National Park (Philadelphia, PA) |
INP➣If Not Possible |
INP➣Ireland Newfoundland Partnership |
INP➣Irving National Park (Saint John, NB, Canada) |
INP➣Intelligent Network Processor |
INP➣Internet Nomenclator Project |
INP➣Infrastructure National Partnership (UK) |
INP➣Internet Nodal Processor |
INP➣International News Photo |
INP➣Infoscreen Networks Plc |
INP➣International Network for Peace (anti-violence group) |
INP➣Information Needs Project |
INP➣I'm Not Perfect |
INP➣International Network Planning |
INP➣Integration Planner |