INPInstitut National Polytechnique (French: National Polytechnic Institute; various locations)
INPIndium Phosphide
INPIn Process
INPIntelligent Networking Pack (Hp)
INPInstytut Nauk Politycznych (Polish: Institute of Political Science)
INPIbm Network Processor
INPInstant Notification Payment
INPInput Port
INPInhibit Presentation
INPImpulse Noise Protection
INPIraqi National Police
INPIn-Network Programming (computing)
INPItatiaia National Park (Brazil)
INPInnovative Naval Prototype (US Navy)
INPInterim Number Portability
INPInfrastructure Needs Program (USAID)
INPIntroduction of New Products
INPIndependence National Park (Philadelphia, PA)
INPIf Not Possible
INPIreland Newfoundland Partnership
INPIrving National Park (Saint John, NB, Canada)
INPIntelligent Network Processor
INPInternet Nomenclator Project
INPInfrastructure National Partnership (UK)
INPInternet Nodal Processor
INPInternational News Photo
INPInfoscreen Networks Plc
INPInternational Network for Peace (anti-violence group)
INPInformation Needs Project
INPI'm Not Perfect
INPInternational Network Planning
INPIntegration Planner