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inotropic agents in·o·tro·pic a·gentsdrugs that increase the force of contraction of cardiac muscle (for example, digitalis glycosides, amrinone, and epinephrine).inotropic agents Generally, any measure used to change the force of a muscle. In practice the term is used for drugs that increase the force of contraction of the heart and whose use is usually limited to cases of low-output HEART FAILURE. They include ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE, isoprenaline, PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS, DIGITALIS, DOPAMINE derivatives, dopexamine (Dopacard) and dobutamine (Dobutrex, Posiject). Their use calls for great skill and knowledge and is generally confined to cardiologists. From the Greek inos , a muscle and tropos , a turning.in·o·tro·pic a·gents (inō-trōpik ājĕnts) Drugs that increase force of contraction cardiac muscle. |