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in·fec·tious I0127100 (ĭn-fĕk′shəs)adj.1. Capable of causing infection: an infectious microorganism.2. Capable of being transmitted by infection: an infectious disease.3. Capable of transmitting a disease; contagious: Is the patient still infectious?4. Spreading or tending to spread from one to another: an infectious laugh. in·fec′tious·ly adv.in·fec′tious·ness n.TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeinfectiousinfectiousness
in·fec·tious·ness (in-fek'shŭs-nes), The state or quality of being infectious. Synonym(s): infectiosityin·fec·tious·ness (in-fek'shŭs-nĕs) The state or quality of being infectious. |