

单词 infectious disease

infectious disease

Noun1.infectious disease - a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contactcommunicable disease - a disease that can be communicated from one person to anotheracquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS - a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needlesbrucellosis, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, Rock fever, undulant fever - infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headacheAsiatic cholera, cholera, epidemic cholera, Indian cholera - an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or foodbreakbone fever, dandy fever, dengue, dengue fever - an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by rash and aching head and jointsdysentery - an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrheaepidemic disease - any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many peoplehepatitis - inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxinherpes - viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membraneglandular fever, infectious mononucleosis, kissing disease, mono, mononucleosis - an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissingHansen's disease, leprosy - chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium lepraelisteria meningitis, listeriosis - an infectious disease of animals and humans (especially newborn or immunosuppressed persons) caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes; in sheep and cattle the infection frequently involves the central nervous system and causes various neurological symptomsmeningitis - infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) usually caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nauseaepidemic parotitis, mumps - an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glandsparatyphoid, paratyphoid fever - any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases resembling typhoid feveracute anterior poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis, polio, poliomyelitis - an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cordratbite fever - either of two infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bite of a rat or mouse; characterized by fever and headache and nausea and skin eruptionsrickettsial disease, rickettsiosis - infectious disease caused by ticks or mites or body lice infected with rickettsial bacteriarecurrent fever, relapsing fever - marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several monthsrheumatic fever - a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful inflammation of the joints and frequently damage to the heart valvesmiliary fever, sweating sickness - epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortalityT.B., tuberculosis, TB - infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages)enteric fever, typhoid, typhoid fever - serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or waterpertussis, whooping cough - a disease of the respiratory mucous membraneframbesia, framboesia, yaws - an infectious tropical disease resembling syphilis in its early stages; marked by red skin eruptions and ulcerating lesionsblack vomit, yellow fever, yellow jack - caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito

infectious disease

Infectious disease

A pathological condition spread among biological species. Infectious diseases, although varied in their effects, are always associated with viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites and aberrant proteins known as prions. A complex series of steps, mediated by factors contributed by both the infectious agent and the host, is required for microorganisms or prions to establish an infection or disease. Worldwide, infectious diseases are the third leading cause of human death.

The most common relationship between a host and a microorganism is a commensal one, in which advantages exist for both organisms. For example, hundreds of billions of bacteria of many genera live in the human gastrointestinal tract, coexisting in ecological balance without causing disease. These bacteria help prevent the invasion of the host by more virulent organisms. In exchange, the host provides an environment in which harmless bacteria can readily receive nutrients. There are very few microorganisms that cause disease every time they encounter a host. Instead, many factors of both host and microbial origin are involved in infectious disease. These factors include the general health of the host, previous exposure of the host to the microorganism, and the complement of molecules produced by the bacteria.

Spread of a pathogenic microorganism among individual hosts is the hallmark of an infectious disease. This process, known as transmission, may occur through four major pathways: contact with the microorganism, airborne inhalation, through a common vehicle such as blood, or by vector-borne spread.

The manner in which an infectious disease develops, or its pathogenesis, usually follows a consistent pattern. To initiate an infection, there must be a physical encounter as which the microorganism enters the host. The most frequent portals of entry are the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts as well as breaks in the skin. Surface components on the invading organism determine its ability to adhere and establish a primary site of infection. The cellular specificity of adherence of microorganisms often limits the range of susceptible hosts. For example, although measles and distemper viruses are closely related, dogs do not get measles and humans do not get distemper. From the initial site of infection, microorganisms may directly invade further into tissues or travel through the blood or lymphatic system to other organs.

Microorganisms produce toxins that can cause tissue destruction at the site of infection, can damage cells throughout the host, or can interfere with the normal metabolism of the host. The damage that microorganisms cause is directly related to the toxins they produce. Toxins are varied in their mechanism of action and host targets. See Cholera, Staphylococcus

The host's reaction to an infecting organism is the inflammatory response, the body's most important internal defense mechanism. Although the inflammatory response is also seen as secondary to physical injury and nonspecific immune reactions, it is a reliable indicator of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Immune cells known as lymphocytes and granulocytes are carried by the blood to the site of infection. These cells either engulf and kill, or secrete substances which inhibit and neutralize, microorganisms. Other white blood cells, primarily monocytes, recognize foreign organisms and transmit chemical signals to other cells of the host's immune system, triggering the production of specific antibodies or specialized killer cells, both of which are lethal to the infecting microorganism. Any influence that reduces the immune system's ability to respond to foreign invasion, such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or destruction of immune cells by an immunodeficiency virus such as HIV, increases the likelihood that a organism will cause disease within the host.

Chemical compounds that are more toxic to microorganisms than to the host are commonly employed in the prevention and treatment of infectious disease; however, the emergence of drug-resistant organisms has led to increases in the morbidity and mortality associated with some infections. Other methods for controlling the spread of infectious diseases are accomplished by breaking a link in the chain of transmission between the host, microorganism, and mode of spread by altering the defensive capability of the host. Overall, the three most important advances to extend human life are clean water, vaccination, and antibiotics (in that order of importance).

Water-borne infections are controlled by filtration and chlorination of municipal water supplies. Checking food handlers for disease, refrigeration, proper cooking, and eliminating rodent and insect infestation have markedly reduced the level of food poisonings. The transmission of vector-borne diseases can be controlled by eradication of the vector. Blood-borne infections are reduced by screening donated blood for antibodies specific for HIV and other viruses and by rejecting donations from high-risk donors. For diseases such as tuberculosis, the airborne spread of the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, can be reduced by quarantining infected individuals. The spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, syphilis, and herpes simplex, can be prevented by inhibiting direct contact between the pathogenic microorganism and uninfected hosts. See Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Food poisoning, Vaccination, Water-borne disease

infectious disease

[in′fek·shəs di′zēz] (medicine) Any disease caused by invasion by a pathogen which subsequently grows and multiplies in the body.

infectious disease


 [in-fek´shus] caused by or capable of being communicated by infection.infectious disease one due to organisms ranging in size from viruses to parasitic worms; it may be contagious in origin, result from nosocomial organisms, or be due to endogenous microflora from the nose and throat, skin, or bowel. See also communicable disease.
An emerging infectious disease is one that is endemic in a given population but that has begun increasing in frequency or developing resistance to drug therapy or other treatments.

in·fec·tious dis·ease

, infective diseasea disease resulting from the presence and activity of a microbial agent.

infectious disease

See Infection.

in·fec·tious dis·ease

, infective disease (in-fek'shŭs di-zēz', in-fek'tiv) A disease resulting from the presence and activity of a microbial agent.

in·fec·tious dis·ease

, infective disease (in-fek'shŭs di-zēz', in-fek'tiv) Disease resulting from the presence and activity of a microbial agent.

Patient discussion about infectious disease

Q. Is psoriasis infectious? Last week I and my friends from high-school went to the pool. One of my friend has psoriasis on his back, and when the lifeguard noticed it he asked him to leave the pool because he has skin disease that may spread to the other people swimming in the pool. We told him it is psoriasis and not some fungus, but he told us that psoriasis is also infectious. Is that true? Can psoriasis infect people who come in touch with people with psoriasis? Can I go swimming with him or should be more cautious?A. It is right that psoriasis is not a contagious skin condition. But your friend should take care. However keeping skin humid is better for Psoriasis patients as I recently read these tips at

Q. Is leukemia contagious? A friend of mine got leukemia (blood cancer), can I get it from him if he bleeds and I touch the blood? Like HIV I mean.A. No, you don't have to be afraid, no chance of that. Your friend will need you to pass this terrible illness. So I recommend learning a bit about leukemia so you understand it better and won't avoid your friend.
You can get information on those 2 sites:

Q. Is psoriasis contagious? My wife got psoriasis and I don’t want to get infected…A. Psoriasis itself, as was written above, isn't contagious, i.e. if someone has psoriasis he or she can't transmit it to you. However, there is a form of psoriasis called psoriasis guttate that is associated with infection of the throat by a bacterium called streptococcus (which is contagious), so in some way it is contagious.
You may read more here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psoriasis#Types_of_psoriasis

More discussions about infectious disease

infectious disease

  • noun

Words related to infectious disease

noun a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact

Related Words

  • communicable disease
  • acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  • AIDS
  • brucellosis
  • Gibraltar fever
  • Malta fever
  • Mediterranean fever
  • Rock fever
  • undulant fever
  • Asiatic cholera
  • cholera
  • epidemic cholera
  • Indian cholera
  • breakbone fever
  • dandy fever
  • dengue
  • dengue fever
  • dysentery
  • epidemic disease
  • hepatitis
  • herpes
  • glandular fever
  • infectious mononucleosis
  • kissing disease
  • mono
  • mononucleosis
  • Hansen's disease
  • leprosy
  • listeria meningitis
  • listeriosis
  • meningitis
  • epidemic parotitis
  • mumps
  • paratyphoid
  • paratyphoid fever
  • acute anterior poliomyelitis
  • infantile paralysis
  • polio
  • poliomyelitis
  • ratbite fever
  • rickettsial disease
  • rickettsiosis
  • recurrent fever
  • relapsing fever
  • rheumatic fever
  • miliary fever
  • sweating sickness
  • T.B.
  • tuberculosis
  • TB
  • enteric fever
  • typhoid
  • typhoid fever
  • pertussis
  • whooping cough
  • frambesia
  • framboesia
  • yaws
  • black vomit
  • yellow fever
  • yellow jack




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