interglobular dentin

in·ter·glob·u·lar space

imperfectly calcified matrix of dentin situated between the calcified globules near the dentinal periphery. Synonym(s): interglobular dentin, interglobular space of Owen, spatium interglobulare

in·ter·glo·bu·lar den·tin

(in'tĕr-glob'yū-lăr den'tin) Imperfectly calcified matrix of dentin situated between the calcified globules near the dentinal periphery.

interglobular dentin

Dentin that contains spaces or hypomineralized areas between mineralized globules or calcospherites. See also: dentin

in·ter·glob·u·lar space

(intĕr-globyū-lăr spās) Imperfectly calcified matrix of dentin situated between the calcified globules near the dentinal periphery; also called interglobular space of Owen.
Synonym(s): interglobular dentin.