

单词 instruments


instrumentmedical instruments


I0171300 (ĭn′strə-mənt)n.1. A tool or implement used to do or facilitate work, especially a small precision tool used by a professional: sterilized the scalpel and other surgical instruments.2. A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system.3. Music A device designed to enable a person to make musical sounds, as by blowing into it, striking it, depressing the keys on a keyboard, or plucking, strumming, or running a bow over strings.4. A means by which something is done; an agency: "The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices / Make instruments to plague us" (Shakespeare).5. One used by another to accomplish a purpose; a dupe.6. A legal document, especially one that represents a right of payment or conveys an interest, such as a check, promissory note, deed, or will.tr.v. (-mĕnt′) in·stru·ment·ed, in·stru·ment·ing, in·stru·ments 1. To provide or equip with instruments.2. Music To compose or arrange for performance.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin īnstrūmentum, tool, implement, from īnstruere, to prepare; see instruct.]


See also measurement.
accelerometeran instrument for measuring and recording the rate of acceleration of an aircraft.algometeran instrument for measuring a person’s sensitivity to pain produced by pressure. — algometric, algometrical, adj.altimeteran instrument for determining altitude above a fixed level by comparison of air pressure readings.ammeteran instrument for measuring the amperage of an electrical current.anemoscopean instrument for recording the direction of the wind.astrolabea navigational instrument formerly used for taking bearings of the sun and stars. See also representation.auriscopean instrument for examining the ear. — auriscopy, n.ballistic galvanometerfluxmeter.barometeran instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.bioinstrumentationthe use of instruments to measure, record, and transmit data on bodily functions.breathalyzerdrunkometer.chromoptometera device for measuring the degree of a person’s sense of color.chronometera timing device of extreme accuracy, frequently with a device for checking and adjusting its accuracy. — chronometric, chronometrical, adj.chronoscopean instrument for accurate measurement of very short periods of time, as the time of trajectory of missiles.clepsydraan instrument for measuring time by the controlled flow of water or mercury through a small opening.cosmolabeObsolete, an instrument, like an astrolabe, used for astronomical observations.cryometera thermometer for measuring very low temperatures.cyclometeran instrument for counting the revolutions of a wheel that is rolled along a surface and thus the distance traveled.densimeteran instrument for measuring the density or specific gravity of a solid or liquid substance.dioptometeran instrument for measuring the refractive index of the lens of the eye.dosimetera device, carried or worn by people working near radiation for measuring the amount of radiation to which they are exposed.drunkometera device for measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood-stream, usually from the breath. Also called breathalyzer.erythrocytometera device for measuring the count of red blood cells in the blood.eudiometeran instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the air and for analyzing gases.extensometeran instrument for measuring minute degrees of contraction, expansion, or deformation, as of metals.fluorometeran instrument for measuring the emission of radiation in the form of visible light and identifying the substance that is its source. — fluorometric, adj.fluoroscopea device fitted with a screen that fluoresces when exposed to radiation.fluxmeteran instrument for measuring magnetic flux; a ballistic galvanometer.galactometerlactometer.galvanometeran instrument for measuring the strength and direction of an electric current. — galvanometric, galvanometrical, adj.galvanoscopean instrument for detecting the presence of an electric current and determining its direction.glossographan instrument for recording the movements of the tongue during speech.goniometeran instrument for measuring angles, especially those of solid bodies.gramophonean instrument for reproducing sound from records; phonograph.graphophonean instrument for reproducing sound from wax records.graphoscopean optical device for magnifying pictures, as engravings, photographs, etc.heliometeran instrument originally designed for measuring the sun’s diameter, now used for measuring the angular distance between stars.horometeran instrument for measuring time.hydrometeran instrument for measuring the specific gravity of a liquid.hygrometeran instrument for measuring the amount of moisture in the air.hypsometeran instrument for measuring altitude by the relationship between atmospheric pressure and the boiling point of a liquid.indigometeran instrument used for determining the strength of an indigo solution.instrumentation1. the technology of designing and constructing instruments, especially for use in science and industry.
2. a particular system of instruments in a special context.
3. instruments collectively.
interferometeran instrument that measures wavelengths, minute distances, or the refractivity of lenses by comparison of interference patterns generated by the splitting and reuniting of a beam of light passed through a lens. — interferometry, n.jovilabean instrument used for determining the positions of the satellites that surround the planet Jupiter.kaleidophon, kaleidophonean instrument for the visual representation of sound waves.kaleidoscopean optical device composed of bits of colored glass and several reflecting surfaces that presents to the viewer symmetrical patterns when shaken or rotated. — kaleidoscopic, adj.kinetoscopean instrument for illustrating different combinations of kinematic curves. See also media.konimeteran instrument for measuring impurities in the air. — konimetric, adj.lactometeran instrument for measuring the richness of milk from its specific gravity. Also called galactometer.lactoscopean instrument for measuring the opacity of milk so that its cream content can be determined.laryngoscopean apparatus for examining the larynx. — Iaryngoscopist, n. — laryngoscopic, adj.leucoscopean instrument for testing the eyes to determine the ability to distinguish variations in color or intensity of light.madisteriuma surgical instrument for pulling out hairs.manometer1. an instrument for measuring the pressure of gases or vapors.
2. an instrument for measuring blood pressure. Also called sphygmomanometer. — manometric. adj.
megameter1. an instrument for determining longitude by observation of the stars.
2. Rare. an instrument for measuring large objects.
melanoscopean optical device composed of red and violet glass that transmits red light only, used for distinguishing red in varicolored flames.metrographa device for recording the speed of locomotives and the time, place, and length of all their stops.metronomean instrument for marking time in music that produces regular ticking sounds for a variety of rhythmic settings. — metronomic, metronomical, adj.mutoscopean instrument for recording and reproducing the illusion of motion by means of a series of photographs.myrioscopea form of kaleidoscope, especially one that is used when exhibiting carpets.nauropometerRare. an apparatus for measuring the inclination of a heeling or listing ship.Nilometeran instrument used for measuring the increase in the level of the River Nile during its flood period, consisting of a water chamber containing a graduated pillar. Also called Niloscope.noctographan apparatus or register for recording timely and proper observance by watchmen of their patrols.odometeran instrument for recording elapsed distance.ohmmeteran instrument for measuring electrical resistance in ohms.ondographan instrument for recording oscillatory variations, as those in alternating currents. — ondogram, n.ondometeran instrument for measuring the wavelengths of radio waves.oometera device for measuring eggs.optotechnicsthe technology of optical instruments and apparatus.osmometeran instrument for measuring osmotic pressure. — osmometric, adj.pachymeteran instrument for measuring the thickness of things.paralellometeran instrument for ascertaining the accuracy of parallel surfaces, as of a sheet of plate glass.pedometera device for measuring distance traversed on foot.penetrometeran instrument for measuring the degree of penetrability of a solid.phantasmascope, phantascopean optical device that enables the viewer to converge the optical axes of the eyes and experience some of the phenomena of binocular vision.photodrome1. an apparatus that regulates light flashes so that a rotating object appears to be stationary or moving in a direction opposite to its actual motion.
2. an apparatus for producing unusual optical effects by flashing light upon disks bearing various figures, patterns, etc.
photometeran instrument for measuring various characteristics of light, as intensity, distribution, flux, color, etc.piezometerone of various devices for measuring the pressure of a fluid or the degree of compressibility of a substance when subjected to such pressure. — piezometric, adj.planometera device for measuring the flatness of a machined surface. Also called surface plate.plastometeran instrument for measuring the plasticity of a material. — plastometric, adj.pneumatographan instrument for recording the movements of the chest during respiration.praxinoscopean instrument that represents the effect of moving images on a screen.pulsimeter, pulsometeran instrument for measuring the rate of the pulse.pycnometera container for measuring the density of liquids or solids.pyrheliometeran instrument for measuring the intensity of the sun’s radiation. — pyrheliometric, adj.pyrometeran instrument for detecting and measuring high temperatures. — pyrometric, pyrometry, adj.pyrophotometera type of pyrometer that measures temperature optically or photometrically.quadrantan instrument for measuring angular elevation, used in astronomy, navigation, surveying, etc., similar in principle to the sextant. — quadrantal, ad].radiometeran instrument for measuring the intensity of radiant energy, composed of vanes which rotate at speeds proportionate to the intensity of the energy source. — radiometric, adj.seismographan instrument for measuring and recording the intensity of earth tremors.sextanta navigational instrument for determining latitude and longitude by measuring the angles of heavenly bodies in relation to the horizon or other heavenly bodies.snooperscopea device using infrared radiation and a fluoroscope to enable an observer to identify objects in the dark.spectrobolometeran instrument combining a bolometer and a spectroscope, used for determining the distribution of energy in a spectrum. — spectrobolometric, adj.spectroscopea device for producing and observing a spectrum of light or other radiation. — spectroscopy, n.speedometeran instrument that records the speed of a vehicle in motion for the driver of the vehicle.sphygmographan instrument for measuring and recording various characteristics of the arterial pulse.sphygmomanometermanometer, def. 2.stadiometer1. an instrument with a toothed wheel for measuring curves, broken lines, etc.
2. an obsolete form of tachymeter.
sympalmographan apparatus for illustrating in graphic form the composition of two simple harmonic motions at right angles.sympiesometer, sympiezometer1. an instrument for measuring the pressure exerted by currents of water. See also water.
2. an instrument for measuring the weight of the atmosphere by the compression of a column of gas. See also ATMOSPHERE.
tachistoscopean instrument for exposing pictures and other visual stimuli for very brief periods, used in psychological testing and various teaching methods.tachometeran instrument for measuring revolutions per minute, especially of an internal combustion engine.tachymetera surveying instrument for measuring distance, height, elevation, etc.tachyscopea type of kinescope that presents the effect of moving pictures by use of a rotating glass plate with images attached to it.telemeter1. an instrument for measuring the distance of objects from the observer, as the range finder in artillery.
2. an electronic device for taking readings from other distant instruments.
theodolitea surveying instrument for measuring vertical and horizontal angles. — theodolitic, adj.thermometeran instrument for measuring temperature.turbidimeteran instrument for measuring the turbidity of water or other fluids. — turbidimetric, adj.udomographa self-registering rain gauge.urinometeran instrument for determining the specific gravity of urine.vacuometeran instrument used for comparing barometers at varying pressures against a Standard barometer.velocimetera device for measuring speed or velocity, especially that of projectiles.viameteran early form of odometer, for measuring the distance traveled by a carriage. Also called viatometer.viatometerviameter.vibroscopean apparatus for the observation and recording of vibrations.videophonean apparatus combining a telephone with a television transmitter and receiver so that the parties speaking to one another can also see one another.voltammeteran instrument for measuring the voltage and amperage of an electrical current.voltmeteran instrument for measuring the voltage of an electrical current.volumenometeran instrument for measuring the volume of a solid body and its specific gravity by the quantity of a gas or liquid it displaces.volumescopea graduated glass tube for showing the changes in volume in certain compounds as a result of chemical action.volumeteran instrument for measuring the volumes of gases and liquids and of solids by the amount of gas or liquid they displace. — volumetric, volumetrical, adj.



Financial securities, such as money market instruments or capital market instruments.


1. See: Security.

2. Any tool that a government may use to influence the economy. Common instruments include setting prevailing interest rates, raising or lowering taxes, and awarding contracts to the private sector to stimulate demand for goods and services.

3. See: Contract.




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