interdental papilla

gingival papilla

[TA] thickening (seen as an elevation) of the gingiva that fills the interproximal space between two adjacent teeth. Synonym(s): papilla gingivalis [TA], interdental papilla ☆ , papilla interdentalis ☆ , gingival septum, interproximal papilla

in·ter·den·tal pa·pil·la

(in'tĕr-den'tăl pă-pil'ă) The gingiva that fills the interproximal space between two adjacent teeth.

interdental papilla

The triangular part of the gingivae that fills the area between adjacent teeth. The papilla includes free gingiva and attached gingiva and projections seen from the lingual, buccal, or labial sides of the tooth. Synonym: interproximal papillaSee also: papilla

gin·gi·val pa·pil·la

(jinji-văl pă-pilă) [TA] Thickening (seen as an elevation) of gingiva that fills interproximal space between two adjacent teeth.
Synonym(s): gingival septum, interdental papilla, interproximal papilla.