Acronym | Definition |
AOM➣Associate-O-Matic (software) |
AOM➣Academy of Management |
AOM➣Acute Otitis Media (middle ear infection) |
AOM➣Annals of Mathematics (publication) |
AOM➣Age of Mythology (Ensemble Studios game) |
AOM➣Award of Merit (various organizations) |
AOM➣Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
AOM➣Artist of the Month |
AOM➣Alliance for Open Media (consortium) |
AOM➣Alarm Output Module |
AOM➣Adaptive Optics Module |
AOM➣Analog Output Module |
AOM➣Adobe Online Manager |
AOM➣Add on Manager |
AOM➣Accurate Office Manager |
AOM➣Answer Only Modem |
AOM➣Advanced Options Menu |
AOM➣Advanced Order Management |
AOM➣Add One to Memory |
AOM➣Angels of Mercy (gaming clan) |
AOM➣Art of Movement (dance group) |
AOM➣Archives of Maryland |
AOM➣America on the Move (see also AOMF) |
AOM➣Acousto-Optic Modulator |
AOM➣Assistant Office Manager |
AOM➣Affidavit of Merit (various locations) |
AOM➣Aviation Ordnanceman (US Navy) |
AOM➣Add on Module |
AOM➣Aircraft Operating Manual |
AOM➣Association of Ontario Midwives |
AOM➣Active Oxygen Method |
AOM➣Aspect-Oriented Modeling (Workshop) |
AOM➣Allover Media (Whitman, MA) |
AOM➣Age of Majority |
AOM➣Aircraft Operations Maintenance |
AOM➣Add-Ons Manager (Mozilla Firefox Browser software) |
AOM➣Annual Organizational Meeting (various organizations) |
AOM➣Application Object Model |
AOM➣Assistant Operations Manager |
AOM➣Associate Operations Manager (various companies) |
AOM➣Angular Overlap Model |
AOM➣Australian Options Market (finance) |
AOM➣Angel of Music (Phantom of the Opera) |
AOM➣Area Operations Manager |
AOM➣Aircraft Operations Manual |
AOM➣Any Other Matter (agenda) |
AOM➣Aerodrome Operating Minima |
AOM➣Army of Occupation Medal |
AOM➣Active Operations Management (management methodology) |
AOM➣Army of Mizfitz (band) |
AOM➣All Officer Meeting |
AOM➣Application Operations Manager (various locations) |
AOM➣Arthroophthalmopathy, Hereditary Progressive |
AOM➣Automation Object Model (Quicktest Pro) |
AOM➣Alphabet of Manliness (Maddox book) |
AOM➣Angry Old Man |
AOM➣Application OSI Management (ITU-T M 3000) |
AOM➣Assignment of Mortgage |
AOM➣Aura One Movement (environmental and social justice advocacy) |
AOM➣Association des Officiers de la Marine (French: Association of Naval Officers) |
AOM➣Annual Operating and Maintenance |
AOM➣Association of Minemen |
AOM➣After Operations Maintenance |
AOM➣Accounting Operations Manager |
AOM➣Alignment Object Map |
AOM➣Adaptive Orthogonal Modulation |
AOM➣Acoustic-Opto Modulator |
AOM➣Aircraft On Mechanical |
AOM➣Attack Operations Model |
AOM➣Master of Obstetric Art |
AOM➣Anglers Outpost and Marine (Nicholasville, KY) |
AOM➣Mission Operational Availability |
AOM➣Air Over Motor (duty rating of a fan motor) |