(redirected from Angels of Mercy)
AOMAssociate-O-Matic (software)
AOMAcademy of Management
AOMAcute Otitis Media (middle ear infection)
AOMAnnals of Mathematics (publication)
AOMAge of Mythology (Ensemble Studios game)
AOMAward of Merit (various organizations)
AOMAcupuncture and Oriental Medicine
AOMArtist of the Month
AOMAlliance for Open Media (consortium)
AOMAlarm Output Module
AOMAdaptive Optics Module
AOMAnalog Output Module
AOMAdobe Online Manager
AOMAdd on Manager
AOMAccurate Office Manager
AOMAnswer Only Modem
AOMAdvanced Options Menu
AOMAdvanced Order Management
AOMAdd One to Memory
AOMAngels of Mercy (gaming clan)
AOMArt of Movement (dance group)
AOMArchives of Maryland
AOMAmerica on the Move (see also AOMF)
AOMAcousto-Optic Modulator
AOMAssistant Office Manager
AOMAffidavit of Merit (various locations)
AOMAviation Ordnanceman (US Navy)
AOMAdd on Module
AOMAircraft Operating Manual
AOMAssociation of Ontario Midwives
AOMActive Oxygen Method
AOMAspect-Oriented Modeling (Workshop)
AOMAllover Media (Whitman, MA)
AOMAge of Majority
AOMAircraft Operations Maintenance
AOMAdd-Ons Manager (Mozilla Firefox Browser software)
AOMAnnual Organizational Meeting (various organizations)
AOMApplication Object Model
AOMAssistant Operations Manager
AOMAssociate Operations Manager (various companies)
AOMAngular Overlap Model
AOMAustralian Options Market (finance)
AOMAngel of Music (Phantom of the Opera)
AOMArea Operations Manager
AOMAircraft Operations Manual
AOMAny Other Matter (agenda)
AOMAerodrome Operating Minima
AOMArmy of Occupation Medal
AOMActive Operations Management (management methodology)
AOMArmy of Mizfitz (band)
AOMAll Officer Meeting
AOMApplication Operations Manager (various locations)
AOMArthroophthalmopathy, Hereditary Progressive
AOMAutomation Object Model (Quicktest Pro)
AOMAlphabet of Manliness (Maddox book)
AOMAngry Old Man
AOMApplication OSI Management (ITU-T M 3000)
AOMAssignment of Mortgage
AOMAura One Movement (environmental and social justice advocacy)
AOMAssociation des Officiers de la Marine (French: Association of Naval Officers)
AOMAnnual Operating and Maintenance
AOMAssociation of Minemen
AOMAfter Operations Maintenance
AOMAccounting Operations Manager
AOMAlignment Object Map
AOMAdaptive Orthogonal Modulation
AOMAcoustic-Opto Modulator
AOMAircraft On Mechanical
AOMAttack Operations Model
AOMMaster of Obstetric Art
AOMAnglers Outpost and Marine (Nicholasville, KY)
AOMMission Operational Availability
AOMAir Over Motor (duty rating of a fan motor)
References inperiodicals archiveATHENA Award:Jill Cicero, Owner and Founder, The Cicero Law Firm LLP;Amy DelCorvo, CEO and Executive Director, New York State Association for Computers and Technology in Education;Andrea DeMeo, President and CEO, Trillium Health;Cheryl Dinolfo, Monroe County Executive;Mary Jo Gugino-Colligan, President and Founder, Angels of Mercy;Mary Alice Liotta, Senior VP, Director,Ibero's Rosario-Escher wins ATHENA AwardANGELS OF MERCY Nurses care for injured Irish soldiers, 1917100 years on and WW1 shows its true coloursAfter seven days, I was released and will be eternally grateful to these angels of mercy.Fantastic care at RAH"Whether you like the movie, or you hate it, you definitely haven't ever seen anything like it." - Andrew Balcof, Co-writer and Director of "Angels of Mercy."
Quadriplegic Actor Stars in New Indie Horror FilmThere would also be dramas, which could be called such things as Angels of Mercy, in which a multi-religious swift-response team swoop down to help those affected by mean government decisions or royal wedding saturation coverage in order to assure those affected that it's all God's will.Religious broadcast ideas to entertain all"The Saudi Embassy harbors high respect and esteem for doctors who succeeded in putting Lebanon and the Arab communities on the map of the developed societies in the field of medical services," Bukhari said, branding doctors as "the angels of mercy".Saudi Embassy honors outstanding Lebanese doctorsDerek Jeffery, Heswall Angels of mercy I WAS recently a patient in the Royal Liverpool Hospital and was overwhelmed with the dedication of all staff.Park improvements? I really don't think so; Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: Phone: 0151 227 2000 Twitter: @LIVECHONEWS Facebook: Post: Liverpool ECHO, PO Box 48, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L69 3EBTHIS is the cramped complex care ward at a Birmingham Hospital where angels of mercy and medics work shoulder to shoulder to help the children in their care.Readers raise PS124,000 for ward revampThis must be why nurses (angels of mercy) are paid more than hedge fund managers.Hope docs get an agreementTHREE veterinary angels of mercy have returned from a mission to Sri Lanka to help poorly dogs.Vets' Sri Lanka mercy tripAngels of mercy, giving out prayer, With our anguish, willing to share.Poet's corner; Letters AngelsTHERE seems little justice when one of the angels of mercy who braved danger in order to comfort dying soldier Lee Rigby must scrape by on a few pounds a week because the Bedroom Tax has whittled away her income.Tory reward for angel is poverty; Letters