Inoe Skazanie
Inoe Skazanie
(A Different Tale), a literary and publicistic masterpiece compiled by an unknown author in the 1620’s. It was written as a reaction to Avraam Palitsyn’s Skazanie (A Tale—hence its name). Inoe Skazanie gives a more concise and less detailed account of the events of the late 16th and early 17th century (for example, the siege of the St. Sergius Trinity Monastery) than does Palitsyn’s work. However, events relating to the uprising of I. I. Bolotnikov are discussed in greater detail in Inoe Skazanie. In his description of Bolotnikov’s siege of Moscow and the battle of the Kaluga River, the author used the accounts of an eyewitness. This literary work is a valuable source on the history of the peasant wars in early 17th-century Russia.
Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka, vol. 13. St. Petersburg, 1891.REFERENCES
Smirnov, I. “Obzor istochnikov o vosstanii Bolotnikova.” In Vosstanie I. Bolotnikova: Dokumenty i materialy. Moscow, 1959.Platonov, S. F. Drevnerusskie skazaniia i povesti o smutnom vremeni XVII v., kak istoricheskii istochnik, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1913.