Acronym | Definition |
AVR➣Automatic Voltage Regulator |
AVR➣Automatic Voltage Regulation |
AVR➣Avril (French: April) |
AVR➣Audio/Video Receiver |
AVR➣Aortic Valve Replacement |
AVR➣Aviator |
AVR➣Avon Valley Railway (est. 1869; UK) |
AVR➣Asset Valuation Reserve (finance) |
AVR➣Augmented and Virtual Reality |
AVR➣Assisted Voluntary Return (migrants; various locations) |
AVR➣Automatic Voice Response |
AVR➣Average |
AVR➣Analog Video Recorder (various locations) |
AVR➣Automated Voice Response |
AVR➣Avery Dennison (USPS philately) |
AVR➣Audio Visual Research (file extension) |
AVR➣Accredited Voluntary Register |
AVR➣Average Vehicle Ridership |
AVR➣Assiniboine Valley Railway (Canada) |
AVR➣Automatic Voice Recognition |
AVR➣Audio Visual Rentals |
AVR➣Alf-Egil Bogen, Vegard Wollan, RISC microcontroller (aka Advanced Virtual RISC) |
AVR➣Automatic Volume Recognition |
AVR➣Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (various locations) |
AVR➣Abandoned Vehicle Report |
AVR➣Advanced Virtual RISC |
AVR➣Avid Video Resolution |
AVR➣Association Nationale des Victimes de la Route (French: National Association of Road Traffic Victims; Luxembourg) |
AVR➣Automatic Variable Resolution (weighing capacity) |
AVR➣Allegheny Valley Railroad |
AVR➣Australian Veterinary Reserve (est. 2004; Australia) |
AVR➣American Volunteer Reserve |
AVR➣Advanced Video Redirection |
AVR➣Achat, Vente, Réparation (French: Buying, Selling, Repairs; Couëron, France) |
AVR➣Accelerated Ventricular Rhythm |
AVR➣Association des Villes pour Le Recyclage |
AVR➣Advance Vendor Replacement (vendor provides replacement parts before the return of failed ones) |
AVR➣Augmented Voltage Right Arm (EKG lead) |
AVR➣Assembly and Verification Review |
AVR➣Audio Video Replicator |
AVR➣Accelerated Vector Restoration |
AVR➣Absolute Value Rectifier |
AVR➣Active Voltage Regulation/Regulator |
AVR➣Asset Visibility Report |